Is it possible to cauterize papillomas with boric acid?

Boric acid against papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. Papillomas and treatment with folk remedies
  2. Description and composition of boric acid
  3. How to cauterize papillomas with boric acid
  4. Contraindications for use
  5. Results of papillomas removal
  6. Real reviews about boric acid

Boric acid for papilloma is one of the most controversial remedies in the alternative treatment of skin tumors caused by HPV, because official medicine uses it exclusively as a natural antiseptic, and has recently even begun actively promoting other substances. However, according to reviews from many patients suffering from growths on the skin and mucous membranes, many managed to get rid of papillomas without resorting to the help of doctors, using exclusively this folk method. But before you start self-medicating, you need to figure out whether it is possible to cauterize papillomas with boric acid.

Papillomas and treatment with folk remedies

Human papillomavirus

Papillomas are small formations in the epithelial layers of the skin, on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, nasopharynx or anogenital area. The disease is caused by the human papillomavirus, which can hide in the body for a long time, but as soon as it is activated, it disrupts normal cell division.

Initially, a small lump appears on the skin, rising 0.3-0.9 mm; a person may not even pay attention to it. Meanwhile, the sooner the procedure to eliminate the growth is started, the faster folk remedies will work. If no measures are taken, the compaction grows into a flat formation or growth on a stalk. The appearance of papilloma depends on which virus is activated in the body.

It is quite possible to remove a tumor at home. In the arsenal of folk connoisseurs there are also various herbs (wormwood oil), and recipes with non-standard use of medications, for example, aspirin, hydrogen peroxide, it is acceptable to use boric acid for papillomas. However, treatment with folk remedies will require a lot of time and effort, and the result cannot be guaranteed.

It must be understood that any alternative remedy, such as boric acid for papillomas, fights only the external manifestations of the disease. The virus itself will remain inside the body, and if it is not affected in any way, then with a high degree of probability formations on the skin and mucous membranes will appear again.

To block pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to carry out targeted drug treatment and maintain a high level of immunity. The patient’s body’s defense system will not allow the disease to develop further.

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Description and composition of boric acid for papillomas

Boric acid for papillomas

The photo shows a solution of boric acid for papillomas

Boric acid is a substance with a crystalline structure that has weak acidic properties. The substance is poorly soluble in water, but is actively used with ethyl alcohol. In medicine, solutions containing 1-5% boric acid are used, which have pronounced antiseptic properties. More concentrated products are used only in laboratory and industrial conditions.

The solution began to be actively used to disinfect wounds in the mid-19th century, but today its antimicrobial properties are considered relatively low. The product continues to be used for various purposes, but with less intensity.

Boric acid powder for papillomas

In the photo, boric acid powder for papillomas

In modern medicine, orthoboric acid is used as a disinfectant and as a component of antiseptic preparations. In domestic medical practice, it was also used to treat otitis media.

Boric acid for papillomas is used only for application to the growth. Under the influence of the active substance of the solution, tissues with destructive epithelial cells begin to necrotize.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to take the composition internally; the lethal dose for an adult is only 15 g.

As already noted, the solution today is considered slow-acting, so an important condition for effectiveness in the fight against papillomas is systematicity. Only regular application of the compositions to prepared areas of the skin will provide a noticeable effect.

3d model of boric acid

Boric acid for the treatment of papillomas can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. At the same time, the cost is low.

In Ukraine, the price of boric acid in powder is 12 hryvnia per 10 g, and a three percent solution in a 25 ml bottle costs only 10 hryvnia. In Russian pharmacies the cost also does not exceed 100 rubles: 73 rubles for a package of 10 g powder and 76 rubles for a bottle of 3% solution 25 ml.

Boric acid for papillomas should be stored in a place protected from moisture, the temperature should not exceed 25ºC. Shelf life: 3 years. After the expiration date, the product must not be used.

Analogues of boric acid - Boric ointment, Fukortsin.

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How to cauterize papillomas with boric acid?

How to use boric acid for papillomas

The destruction of skin tumors in official medicine is carried out using various methods - from lasers to surgical intervention. In folk medicine there are also a large number of ways to remove tumors. The main principle of action of home remedies is to apply compositions to the area with overgrown epithelial tissues, the active substance of which destroys neoplasms. Boric acid acts on the same principle against papillomas.

The most effective recipes for folk remedies:

  1. Mix ethyl alcohol - 100 ml, aspirin powder - 3 g, five percent iodine solution - 3 g, boric acid powder - 2 g. A targeted application of the mixture to the affected areas of the skin will help get rid of papillomas.
  2. Add 3 aspirin tablets to 100 ml of ammonia, after crushing them, and 2 g of boric acid. Apply the mixture to the growth 2 times a day until the formation dies.
  3. Mix 5% iodine solution, aspirin and acid in equal proportions and add 100 ml of alcohol. Moisten the papilloma with the resulting composition 2 times a day.
Note! It is forbidden to apply products with boric acid to large surfaces of the body, or to use in case of skin damage or acute inflammatory diseases of the epidermis.
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Contraindications to the use of boric acid for papillomas


The general availability of the drug and the affirmative answer to the question whether papillomas can be cauterized with boric acid do not mean that such therapy is available to everyone. Thus, in 1987, the USSR Ministry of Health banned the use of boric acid and drugs based on it in relation to for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 2 years of age. The ban also applies in post-Soviet countries. Studies have shown that the toxicity of the substance is higher than its effectiveness.

You should also not use boric acid for papillomas. in the presence of dermatological diseases, for example, dermatitis, or if you are allergic to one of the ingredients of the composition. In addition, impaired renal function is a contraindication.

To ensure that the removal of tumors caused by HPV occurs without side effects, it is recommended to test the mixture on a small area of ​​skin before starting boric acid therapy. The composition should be applied to the back of the hand for 15 minutes. If swelling or itching does not appear during this time, you can get rid of papillomas with this remedy.

Boric acid against papillomas should not be used on the mucous membranes and in the eye area; if growths appear in these areas, other methods of treatment will have to be selected.

When using boric acid, you may encounter side effects. Most often this results in irritation of sensitive skin and the occurrence of allergic reactions. With an overdose and prolonged use of the drug, acute and chronic reactions may develop, for example, headache, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, diarrhea. In some cases, it can lead to confusion and convulsions.
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Results of papillomas removal with boric acid

Results of treatment of papillomas with boric acid

The photo shows the results of treatment of papillomas with boric acid

Similar products with boric acid for papillomas are cauterized on the growth, but they also contain antiseptic components that help disinfect the area. To enhance the effect, they must be applied to steamed skin.

The first results of using boric acid for papillomas will be noticeable within 5-7 days. The growth will first become loose and then disappear completely.

If self-removal does not bring the expected result, moreover, the skin has not even changed in the indicated place, then you must immediately consult a doctor, since there is still a risk of the structure transforming into a malignant form.

The home method of treating papillomas with boric acid, despite its effectiveness, has not gained popularity. This fact is largely due to the fact that the product is not used in its pure form, and to create medicinal formulations, the preparation and mixing of at least 3 ingredients is required.

At the same time, in pharmacies you can purchase ready-made ointments against papillomas without a prescription. Such ointments include Viferon (200 rubles, 185 hryvnia per 10 g tube), Oxolin (only 52 rubles, 20 hryvnia per tube), Salicylic-zinc paste (25 rubles per 25 g, 12 hryvnia). And supporters of traditional treatment continue to choose simpler recipes based on celandine juice, garlic or simple tar soap.

Real reviews of boric acid for papillomas

Reviews of boric acid for papillomas

To be fair, it should be noted that there are not many reviews online about boric acid for papillomas. However, those that do occur are predominantly positive. Patients note a slight burning sensation in the first stages of using the product, but then complete destruction of the unaesthetic growth occurs.

Negative reviews of boric acid for papillomas are mainly due to the fact that after complete removal of the formation, it is not always possible to avoid relapse. Soon, seals appear nearby or in the same place. When reading such responses, we should not forget that papillomas are only external manifestations of the virus; if you do not fight it from the inside, then, of course, growths will continue to appear.

We invite you to read some reviews about the use of boric acid for papillomas:

Rimma, 35 years old

I tried several times to fight papillomas. Indeed, it was possible to remove them from the skin using boric acid. Then I made a hellish mixture of aspirin, ammonia and, in fact, boric acid. Pungent odor, burning and redness. Yes, all this happened, but over time the growths dissolved. Everything seemed to be fine, but over time the papillomas appeared again, there were fewer of them, but this did not make it any easier. Then I decided to see a doctor to get examined. I read that the virus still remains in the body, and as soon as the body weakens, this nasty thing immediately comes out.

Kirill, 43 years old

My wife prepared a solution for me from aspirin, boric acid and iodine. I removed several papillomas. I thought it was irrevocable, but they came out again six months later. I made this solution again. Got rid of the seals again. By the way, if you remove it on your face, know that iodine is not completely absorbed, so spots remain. And it’s better to apply, of course, pointwise. And then the skin around it can peel off a lot. It heals in a few days. I don't have time to go to the doctor yet, but I think I still need to go to the appointment.

Arina, 26 years old

At first I got one papilloma, right on my face. And then the second one a couple of centimeters away from her. I decided to try to remove them at home. For this I chose acetylsalicylic acid and boric acid. I applied it with a cotton swab strictly to the growth so as not to burn the skin. However, this did not save me; I was still irritated. Fortunately, I did this on vacation, at least I didn’t have to show up at work with redness and peeling. Then there were even small notches. Apparently I have very sensitive skin. However, the papillomas completely disappeared. After complete removal, I lubricated it with a nourishing cream for restoration for a couple of weeks. No new ones have appeared yet, but they say it is possible.

How to get rid of papillomas with boric acid - watch the video:

As you can see, you can cauterize papillomas with boric acid, but the method has not gained widespread popularity. But if you decide to try this treatment on yourself, it is strongly recommended that you first consult with your doctor. We should also not forget that such therapy should be comprehensive. To prevent papillomas from returning, you will have to take care of your immunity.

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