Is it possible to get burned in a solarium?

How beautiful and sexy a tanned body looks! And in order to achieve stunning results, people visit the solarium. But the fact is that after visiting him, burns, rashes and various spots may appear on the skin. To remove a rash that appears after a tanning salon, girls often write on the Internet: “I got burned in a solarium. What to do?" There are many ways to treat red skin and relieve symptoms of UV allergies.

Why does my skin turn red after visiting a solarium?

Red skin after a solarium is the norm, since, when interacting, elevated temperature and ultraviolet radiation produce the appropriate result, much depends on the person’s skin type. Therefore, if a girl finds red spots after a solarium, there is no need to panic, they can go away in a couple of hours or in a day. But what to do if a person gets a burn after a solarium? Here you need to act immediately. It manifests itself in the form of redness and blisters, the skin begins to itch and peel, and the body temperature rises at this moment.

A red face after tanning can be due to several reasons:

  1. Allergy to ultraviolet rays (including allergy to solarium) is “photosensitization”, sometimes it can be caused by skin care products.
  2. The patient's skin is too sensitive.
  3. Sometimes this happens after taking medications that provoke a sensitizing effect.
  4. A man suffered a thermal burn after using a solarium.

Rules for visiting the solarium

Typically, age spots after tanning appear due to non-compliance with certain rules. Therefore, before you go looking for tanned skin, you should learn a few points:

  1. Most often, redness of the skin appears during the first visit to the solarium. It must be remembered that dark-skinned beauties can stay in it for no more than 5 minutes, while blondes and red-haired girls need only three minutes.
  2. You cannot sharply increase the amount of time for this procedure, as an allergy to the solarium may occur.
  3. It is necessary to use special products to moisturize and nourish the skin before the session.

You also need to remember that if the owners of the solarium decide to change the lamps, the client may receive a thermal burn.

When should you consult a doctor?

Redness from tanning beds does not always go away on its own. You should immediately see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  1. Blisters have formed on the skin.
  2. Body temperature became higher than normal.
  3. The blisters broke, after which wounds appeared.
  4. Inflammation has begun.

If blisters appear on the skin, you should not open them yourself, as this can lead to infection and suppuration. If after 2 days the skin condition has not improved, you need to consult a dermatologist or therapist.

How to remove redness and burns after solarium

Removing skin redness

How to remove redness after solarium? To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. After visiting the solarium, you must take a shower. Under no circumstances should you use hot water - it will only increase the redness of the skin of the body and face after solarium.
  2. When taking a shower, you should not use hard washcloths; you need to carefully and carefully wash the areas where your body is burned with water, without using special products or soap. You can use a mild shower gel.
  3. Skin care after visiting a solarium should be aimed at moisturizing and soothing the dermis. For this purpose, creams with extracts of beneficial plants are used. For example, chamomile will remove red spots on the body after sunburn, and menthol will pleasantly cool the skin and eliminate itchy skin. Nourishing creams should not be used; they are too heavy and are not suitable for skin care at the moment.
  4. What to do if your skin burns in a solarium? You need to lubricate the area that itched with oils, best suited with avocado pulp and peach or apricot, which can nourish the skin with the necessary substances.
  5. You need to drink as much water as possible. It is important that it is clean and free of gases. You should not drink alcoholic beverages, coffee or strongly brewed tea - this will only contribute to dehydration of the skin, thereby increasing the negative result.
  6. If the skin is red, you can bring it back to normal using decoctions of chamomile, sage, as well as parsley and celandine. Compresses with black or green tea help, which should be kept on the affected area for half an hour.
  7. Can my temperature rise after visiting a solarium? Yes, in this case you should take medicine to lower it, for example, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen and go to bed.
  8. It must be remembered that in case of complications, as well as if moles appear after solarium, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Special means

Allergies after solarium can be eliminated by the following means:

  1. Photoprotective sunscreen to be applied after visiting the solarium. There are also special burn creams that relieve irritation and soothe the skin.
  2. Preparations based on panthenol are good for burns. How long does it take for the skin to feel better? Usually the burn goes away in 2-3 days. In addition, products based on panthenol are practically safe - they are recommended even for newborns for various rashes. However, they can cause an allergic reaction. The most popular drugs are:
  1. Bepanten;
  2. Depanthol;
  3. Dexpanthenol;
  4. D-pantol.
  1. Antihistamines, for example, Tavegil, Cetrin or Telfast. However, it should be remembered that some drugs can cause drowsiness and slower reactions, so they should not be used when increased concentration is required, including while driving.

Also, when asked: “I’m itching after a tanning salon, what should I do?” - your doctor may recommend creams based on aloe extract, as it helps with many skin problems. How long does it take to see a positive effect? It is usually noticeable 20 minutes after using the product.



Irritation and red spots on the skin can be eliminated using the following remedies:

  1. Solcoseryl improves the metabolic process and promotes rapid tissue healing.
  2. “Rescuer” ointment will easily help relieve redness after solarium, as it promotes hydration and healing of cells, inflammation quickly goes away after using this product. The ointment also has a bactericidal effect. Its analogues are “Livian” and “Olazol”.
  3. Panthenol is an excellent remedy to cure burns. It is especially convenient to use it in the form of a spray or foam, which should be applied to the place where white spots appear on the skin.
  4. Bepanten-plus. Just like Panthenol is based on dexpanthenol.
  5. Calamine is an excellent way to relieve itchy skin if you itch after tanning.
  6. Fluorocort - restores water balance in cells. It is based on steroid hormones, so it should be taken with caution.
  7. Levomekol - contains an antibiotic. After using the medication, inflammation and swelling go away quite quickly, and skin protection improves.

Solariums are a popular and well-known alternative to regular tanning under the summer sun - because they are available at any time of the year, in any location, in any weather. Moreover, many salon visitors believe that solariums are much safer than traditional sunbathing - after all, they can lead to skin burns, whereas under the supervision of salon specialists, this is almost impossible. But unfortunately, the situation when a visitor’s skin burns in a solarium is only slightly less common than similar phenomena during ordinary tanning on the beach.


Why does my skin burn in a solarium?

The principle of operation of a solarium is known to many, and it largely copies the natural process - special quartz lamps emit ultraviolet rays, which, penetrating the skin, stimulate the formation of melanin pigment. The same thing happens on the beach, only the source of ultraviolet radiation differs - in the first case it is quartz lamps, in the second it is the sun. That is why you can get sunburned, that is, damage to skin tissue by ultraviolet rays with the development of inflammation, both in the salon and on the beach.

But in the salon, a person tans under the supervision of specialists, in addition, if exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can last for hours to obtain a tan, then under the lamps only a few minutes are enough. After which changes affecting the skin become noticeable - it begins to darken, the face and body receive an attractive bronze tint. However, for a number of reasons it is not possible to avoid sunburn after tanning:

  1. In case of your first visit to such a salon. Not every establishment has a specialist who can determine your skin type at first glance. And taking into account the fact that many girls now dye their hair and wear colored contact lenses (hair and eye color are an important criterion for skin type), even an experienced cosmetologist may not be able to figure it out. Therefore, there is a risk of an overdose of ultraviolet radiation after the first irradiation with the development of a burn.
  2. If you do not use special tanning products, the likelihood of getting a burn increases many times.
  3. During the second and all subsequent visits to the solarium, if you need to increase the session time, you need to make small increases - no more than 2-3 minutes. In the event of a sudden jump, you can easily get burned.
  4. Using soap before visiting the salon. If you take a shower with soap a few hours before the procedure, most types of which dry out the skin, the risk of getting a burn increases. This can especially affect the face.

That is why you should not make a solarium an ideal option for tanning - it is also not without its drawbacks, especially if you violate the rules for using this cosmetological method.


What can you do

If, after visiting a salon with a solarium, the skin acquires a red tint, swelling occurs, a sharp increase in sensitivity and pain, and the face may burn - these are signs of a skin burn. Naturally, after this, most people do not want to find out the reasons that led to this condition - they are more interested in what to do to alleviate the condition.

In cases where the above symptoms are present, the first thing you need to do is soothe the skin - this is why numerous remedies for burns, either factory-made or home-made, are used:

  1. Panthenol is a widely advertised remedy for a wide variety of burns, which is recommended to have in the first aid kit of any tanning enthusiast. The foam should be applied in an even layer to the surface of the irritated areas - this will help soothe the skin and significantly reduce most symptoms.
  2. Bepanten is also an excellent remedy that will help reduce inflammation. It is especially good to use this remedy if your face has been injured.
  3. It is important to maintain adequate moisture content of the affected tissues - for this you should use moisturizing creams and ointments, and make similar masks on the face. We must not forget about general hydration of the body - drink plenty of fluids, preferably alkaline mineral water.
  4. Among the folk methods, the use of fermented milk products for solar (more precisely, ultraviolet) burns of the skin is widely known - kefir or yogurt. Contrary to popular belief, it is better not to use sour cream - the high fat content of this product can create an airtight layer on the surface of the skin. Sour cream can be safely used only by people with excessively dry skin types.

All of the above medications and recommendations are used to soothe skin that has been burned in a solarium. This significantly reduces the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and helps alleviate the person’s condition. But in cases where the burns are quite extensive, the pain can be very pronounced, in addition, the body temperature can sometimes rise - in such a situation you need to take an NSAID tablet (analgin, nimesulide). It is also better not to apply decorative cosmetics to your face, use clothes with minimal seams and only made from natural fabrics.

How to restore skin after an unsuccessful procedure

After it has been possible to reduce the severity of the skin burn, measures must be taken to restore the affected tissue to prevent consequences in the long term. These include photoaging processes, pigment problems (melasma, increased severity of freckles), and the appearance of spider veins. All these manifestations can occur months and even years after an ultraviolet burn, so measures to prevent them should be taken immediately.

  1. The following recipe has a good effect on skin restoration - 1 tbsp. A spoonful of oatmeal is mixed with thoroughly cooled egg white. The resulting mass is applied to the affected areas of the body, after 20-30 minutes, washed off with cool water.
  2. You can continue to make compresses and rubdowns from fermented milk products. This method not only soothes the skin, but also helps nourish and restore it.
  3. Coconut oil perfectly restores and moisturizes the skin after such damage - this product is deservedly considered one of the best in this area. That is why all tanning and solarium lovers need to have coconut oil in their first aid kit. In addition to restoring the skin, this product can be applied before tanning - it will prevent the development of burns and give the skin a pleasant bronze tint.
  4. You can also use a variety of factory-made moisturizing and nourishing products. The main thing is that they do not contain alcohol or other drying ingredients.

Of course, all solarium lovers need to know all these recommendations and recipes. But it’s better to approach tanning wisely and not let the situation lead to burns.

Often, after tanning, girls notice a slight redness. This is a normal phenomenon, since a person is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and quite high temperatures. The redness should go away within a couple of hours.

If this does not happen, there is reason to suspect that the skin is simply burned in the solarium. Additional symptoms: itching, blistering.

The main reasons why the dermis burns in a solarium are:

  1. Allergy to ultraviolet radiation (photosensitivity). Often results from the use of skin cosmetics.
  2. Belonging to phototypes 1 and 2. Such people have very sensitive and fair skin, which burns when exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time.
  3. Taking medications whose side effects include photosensitivity.
  4. Excessive time spent in the solarium.

To eliminate redness, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a cool shower to soothe your hot skin. You cannot use washcloths; it is not recommended to use soap, only mild shower gel.
  2. To restore fluid balance, you need to drink more water.
  3. You can visit the solarium again only after a few days. You need to let the skin recover.
  4. If the burn is accompanied by severe discomfort, you can take painkillers. And if the cause of burning is an allergic reaction, it is recommended to take an antihistamine.

If no pills help, and symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, blistering, and elevated body temperature develop, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If your chest, stomach, legs are burned, then bSpecial medications help quickly eliminate burns:

The product's name Description Photo
Solcoseryl Accelerates the process of skin regeneration, improves metabolic processes.
Rescuer Saturates the dermis with moisture, quickly removing redness after solarium.
Panthenol Available in the form of ointment or foam, applied to damaged areas.
Bepanten-plus In many ways it is similar to Panthenol, since it is based on the same active ingredient - dexpanthenol.
Calamine Usually used if redness is accompanied by itching.

Helps normalize fluid balance inside cells.

But it is better to use the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor, since it contains steroid hormones.

Levomekol Quickly eliminates swelling and redness of the skin, restores its protective abilities. The composition of the product differs in the presence of an antibiotic.

Folk recipes for burns after solarium:

  1. Apply rich sour cream to the area of ​​redness. If desired, it can be replaced with any other fermented milk product.
  2. Vegetable oils. If your skin is burned in a solarium, simply lubricate the damaged areas. You don’t have to rinse the product off, but wait until it is absorbed.
  3. To get rid of itching, you need to grate the potatoes or squeeze out the juice. Apply to burned skin.
  4. Black tea will quickly eliminate pain. It is recommended to make compresses by applying gauze moistened with tea leaves to the reddened areas of the body.

Cooling compresses will help for a sunburned face:

  1. From chamomile or calendula. Take a tablespoon of any of the herbs and pour 250 ml of boiled hot water. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour, then strain and cool. Apply to burned areas on the face.
  2. From cabbage. Squeeze the juice from the head of cabbage. Soak gauze in cabbage liquid and apply to burns. You can also just use the leaves of the vegetable.
  3. From knotweed. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of herb in 300 milliliters of hot water, cover the container and leave for 10 minutes. After cooling, apply to the dermis.

Natural masks for a burned face in a solarium:

  1. Oatmeal. 4 tbsp. l. rolled oats diluted with half a liter of clean water. Put on fire and cook until foam forms. This is exactly what you need to use. Quickly relieves itching and pain.
  2. Honey. Take water and milk in a ratio of 2 to 1, add 30 g of honey. Cool the resulting mass. Then moisten the gauze and place it on the burn for a quarter of an hour. Make a mask several times a day.
  3. From aloe. Fresh leaves of the plant need to be ground using a blender. It should be a paste. Distribute the mixture over the skin until the aloe dries. Wash off with water.
  4. Egg. Made only from protein. Before spreading it over the skin, you need to beat it a little. Apply to face and wait until completely dry.

If you get a burn in a solarium, it is better to refrain from using decorative cosmetics. You must wait until the redness has completely passed.

The best medicines for the face will be ointments based on panthenol.

Precautions when visiting:

  1. The first session should be short. Those with dark skin can start with 5 minutes. And for pale girls, only three are enough.
  2. The duration of the session increases gradually. The maximum time spent under ultraviolet lamps is 10-15 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to take breaks between visits to the solarium. The best option is at least 24 hours between sessions.
  4. It is necessary to apply a special protective agent to the skin. Suitable cosmetics can always be found in the solarium itself.
  5. After the visit, you should lubricate the skin with a soothing agent.
  6. It is recommended to refrain from water procedures before visiting the solarium. And after the session you should avoid peeling and scrubs. They can damage irritated skin.
  7. It is necessary to strengthen the protection of sensitive areas. You need to wear sunglasses to avoid damaging your retina. For nipples and large moles, you should use stickers and wear a cap to protect your hair. It is better to lubricate your lips with balm.

Read more in our article about what to do if you get burned in a solarium.

Read in this article

Reasons why you can get burned in a solarium

You can get a beautiful dark skin tone at any time of the year. It is not at all necessary to lie on the beach for hours; just a few minutes spent in the solarium is enough. But even under ultraviolet lamps you can get burned.

The solarium has an intense effect on the skin. Therefore, girls often notice a slight redness after a session. This is a normal phenomenon, since a person is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and quite high temperatures. The redness should go away within a couple of hours. If this does not happen, there is reason to suspect that the skin was simply burned in a solarium.

Additional symptoms of a burn are itching and blistering. Among the most common reasons why the dermis burns in a solarium are:

  1. Allergy to ultraviolet radiation. In another way it is also called photosensitivity. Such allergies often result from the use of certain skin cosmetics.
  2. Belonging to phototypes 1 and 2. Such people have very sensitive and fair skin, which immediately burns when exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time, including in a solarium.
  3. Taking medications whose side effects include photosensitivity.
  4. Excessive time spent in the solarium. Some girls, trying to get a chocolate shade as quickly as possible, choose sessions that are too long. Excessive use of the solarium often causes the skin to become sunburnt.

And here is more information about what to do if you feel cold after the sun.

What to do and how to remove redness from the skin after solarium

There are several ways to calm the dermis after exposure to ultraviolet light. To eliminate redness, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a cool shower to soothe your hot skin. In this case, you cannot use washcloths, it is also recommended not to use soap, only mild shower gel is allowed.
  2. To restore fluid balance, you need to drink more water. After all, when you get a burn, dehydration occurs.
  3. You can visit the solarium again only after a few days. You need to give your skin time to recover.
  4. If the burn is accompanied by severe discomfort, you can take painkillers. And if the cause of burning is an allergic reaction, it is recommended to take an antihistamine.

Cosmetology expert

There are also methods to combat redness of the skin, depending on which area is burned: the face or any parts of the body.

If your chest, stomach, legs are burned

Special preparations help quickly eliminate burns. If a large area of ​​skin is burned in a solarium, for example, the chest, stomach, legs, you can use medicinal ointments. The following remedies will quickly eliminate the burn:

  1. Solcoseryl. Accelerates the process of skin regeneration, improves metabolic processes.
  2. Rescuer. Saturates the dermis with moisture, quickly removing redness after solarium.
  3. Panthenol. One of the most popular and effective remedies. Available in the form of ointment or foam, applied to damaged areas.
  4. Bepanten-plus. In many ways it is similar to Panthenol, since it is based on the same active ingredient - dexpanthenol.
  5. Calamine. Usually used if redness is accompanied by itching.
  6. Photocourt. Helps normalize fluid balance inside cells. But it is better to use this drug only on the recommendation of a doctor, since it contains steroid hormones.
  7. Levomekol. Quickly eliminates swelling and redness of the skin, restores its protective abilities. The composition of the product differs in the presence of an antibiotic.

Folk recipes can cope with skin burns after solarium just as well as medications. The following methods will help you recover quickly:

  1. Apply rich sour cream to the area of ​​redness. Don’t worry that a not-so-pleasant smell may remain on your skin, but the discomfort will quickly go away. If desired, sour cream can be replaced with any other fermented milk product.
  2. Vegetable oils eliminate redness. There is no need to make homemade masks based on them. If your skin is burned in a solarium, simply lubricate the damaged areas with oil. You don’t have to rinse the product off, but wait until it is absorbed.
  3. To get rid of itching, you can use plain potatoes. You need to grate it or squeeze out the juice. Apply to burned skin.
  4. Black tea will also quickly eliminate pain. It is recommended to make compresses by applying gauze moistened with tea leaves to the reddened areas of the body.

Apply rich sour cream to the area of ​​redness

If the face

Burns in the most visible place cause a lot of inconvenience. To get rid of redness on the face, you can use cooling compresses:

  1. From chamomile or calendula. You need to take a tablespoon of any of the proposed herbs and pour 250 ml of boiled hot water. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour, then strain and cool. Apply to burned areas on the face.
  2. From cabbage. Squeeze the juice from the head of cabbage. Soak gauze in cabbage liquid and apply to burns. You can also just use the leaves of the vegetable.
  3. From knotweed. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of herb in 300 milliliters of hot water, cover the container and leave for 10 minutes. After cooling, apply to the heated dermis.

Chamomile and calendula tinctures

Natural masks will also be an excellent assistant in eliminating burns. If your face is burned in a solarium, you should choose one of the options:

  1. Oatmeal. Dilute four tablespoons of rolled oats with half a liter of clean water. Put on fire and cook until foam forms. This is what should be used to treat burns on the face. This mask quickly relieves itching and pain.
  2. Honey. Take water and milk in a ratio of 2 to 1, add 30 grams of honey. Cool the resulting mass. Then moisten the gauze and place it on the burn for a quarter of an hour. To speed up healing, you need to do this mask several times a day.
  3. From aloe. Fresh leaves of the plant need to be ground using a blender. It should be a paste. Distribute the mixture over the face until the aloe dries. The mask is washed off with water.
  4. Egg. Made only from protein. Before spreading it over the skin, you need to beat it a little. Apply to face and wait until completely dry.

It is worth remembering that if you get a burn in a solarium, it is better to refrain from using decorative cosmetics. You must wait until the redness has completely passed.

Watch the video about folk remedies for sunburn on the face:

It is possible to eliminate a burn on the face after tanning using medications. The best means for this purpose are ointments based on panthenol.

Precautions when visiting

You can easily get burned in a solarium if you do not follow simple rules to protect your skin from burns. Many girls do this in order to quickly get the desired dark shade. But it’s better not to rush and take care of the health of your skin.

To avoid getting burns from ultraviolet lamps in a solarium, you must take the following precautions:

  1. The first session should be short. Those with naturally dark skin can choose a five-minute visit to the solarium. And for pale girls, only three are enough.
  2. The duration of the session increases gradually. You can’t immediately get a tan on your first visit. The maximum time spent under ultraviolet lamps is 10-15 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to take breaks between visits to the solarium. The best option is at least 24 hours between sessions.
  4. It is necessary to apply a special protective agent to the skin. Suitable cosmetics can always be found in the solarium itself. It is needed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and prevent it from burning.
  5. Care is also required after the session is completed. Even if a girl does not feel any signs of a burn, she should still lubricate her skin with a soothing agent. It helps restore fluid balance in the dermis.
  6. It is recommended to refrain from water procedures before visiting the solarium. And after the session you should avoid peeling and scrubs. They can damage irritated skin.
  7. It is necessary to strengthen the protection of sensitive areas. You need to wear sunglasses to avoid damaging your retina. For nipples and large moles, stickers should be used. It is also recommended to wear a cap to protect your hair. It is better to lubricate your lips with balm to prevent them from drying out.

And here is more information about how long it takes for redness to go away after sunbathing.

You can remove the redness of the skin if it is burned in a solarium using medical remedies and folk recipes. But it is better to avoid burns at all. Therefore, when going to the solarium, it is enough to follow simple rules that will help you avoid getting burned.

Quite often, both at sea and just when walking along the streets, it happens that your nose gets burned. In this case, first aid is the use of ointments for sunburn. You can also make compresses, and if your nose is peeling, then gentle peelings.

The question of whether it is possible to go and get an artificial tan before traveling should be decided in each case separately, depending on the goals and skin phototype. In general, a solarium in front of the sea will be more beneficial if you know how many times to visit it.

Quite often in the sun you can get not only a burn on your body, but also a burnt lip. In this case, pharmacy and home remedies will come to the rescue, as well as proper nutrition for a speedy recovery.

If you feel chilly after the sun, then this is a sure sign of a burn. If there are no more severe symptoms - vomiting, high fever, then you can make compresses from traditional medicine or use medications. If you have them after sunbathing, you should consult a doctor.

How long redness lasts after sunbathing is influenced by two factors - individual reaction and the degree of burn. For example, with mild redness it will be possible to get rid of it in 2 days, with severe hyperemia it will take up to 10 days. What can I do to speed up healing time?
