Can Aevit vitamins be applied to the face?


Everyone knows that for the normal functioning of our body it needs various vitamins and microelements are required.

For the most part, he gets them from fresh vegetables and fruits. But in winter there are fewer and fewer such products in our diet.

Therefore it is worth using different vitamin complexes, sold in a pharmacy. For example, Aevit - it has a good effect on the body.

But few people know that Aevit can be used specifically to nourish facial skin, improving its appearance. How to do this?

You can learn how to make an anti-acne mask from Polysorb in our article.

Recommended to whom?


First, let's figure it out is it necessary this drug for you or it’s completely possible to get by without him.

So, for cosmetology purposes, Aevit is used in the following cases:

  1. Dry and aging skin. If you see the first wrinkles appearing in the mirror or your skin looks dehydrated and flaky, then you should include Aevit in your care. It acts as an antioxidant, that is, it protects against aggressive external influences. Thanks to it, the skin is actively renewed, and the process of aging and fading begins to occur much more slowly.
  2. Problem skin. Our skin is covered with pores, which can be lost in fat and dirt, forming so-called sebaceous plugs. Bacteria begin to grow in them, which leads to inflammation - acne. To get rid of this problem, cosmetologists prescribe a whole range of different procedures and products, among which Aevit is often found.
  3. Skin diseases, which arise due to decreased immunity and metabolic disorders. They manifest themselves mainly in the form of a rash and various redness on the skin.

So, there are two ways to use Aevit for the skin: inside and in the form of masks. Instructions for using Aevita for the face below.

In its purest form


Can Aevit be applied to the skin of the face?

You don’t have to bother with masks and creams and just smear this drug on your face in its pure form.

To do this, you need to take the capsule and pierce it.

Carefully pour the contents onto your fingertips and apply to the skin with light massage movements. Now all that's left is wait until the product is absorbed and remove excess, lightly blotting the skin with a paper napkin.

Apply Aevit within 10 days, and you will see that there are fewer acne, and in general your face looks fresh and healthy.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

How to add to creams?

How else can you use Aevit capsules for the face? If you don't like applying the product directly to your face, you can add it to your cream, which you usually use at night. You can, again, do it in two ways.

First consists of simply adding a few drops of Aevit to your night cream.


Mix it thoroughly and continue using it as usual.

Second method: apply your cream to your face, wait 30 minutes and then apply Aevit to your skin.

The effect in the first and second cases will be the same.

You will find specialist recommendations for caring for chapped lips on our website.

Mask recipes

How to use for masks? If you have time, you can prepare a healthy face mask.

Refreshing mask. Take one medium-sized potato and boil it in its jacket. After this, it needs to be cleaned and kneaded together with three Aevita capsules. Immediately, before the mixture cools completely, apply it to your face. Keep for 20 minutes.


However, it is still a drug, so it is also has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. cholecystitis and thyrotoxicosis;

  3. mozhno-li-vitaminy-aevit-bvVfQ.webp

    congestive heart failure;
  4. chronic glomerulonephritis;
  5. diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys;
  6. intolerance and high sensitivity to vitamins E and A.

Also you should be more carefulif you are taking any other vitamin supplements. Therefore, you should consult a doctor to avoid overdose.


It's hard to exaggerate the value of vitamins E and A for the skin.

If speak about beneficial effects of vitamin A, then it is worth noting:

  1. moisture retention;
  2. strengthening the immune system;
  3. improvement in cell metabolism;
  4. improved blood circulation;
  5. protecting the skin from various influences;
  6. stimulating skin renewal;

As for vitamin E, it:

  1. rejuvenates and moisturizes;
  2. deeply affects the skin, strengthening it;
  3. evens out skin color, slightly whitening it;
  4. helps get rid of age spots.


So, these two vitamins combined into a complex are really can transform your skin.

They will restore it, improve its appearance, tighten it and help get rid of acne.

So if you want improve your facial skin – feel free to introduce Aevit into your care.

Recipe for a face mask with Aevita capsules in this video:



Pharmacies sell drugs that are ingenious in their simplicity, cost mere pennies, and can transform the skin better than an expensive cosmetic procedure. One of the pharmacy miracle drugs is capsules with vitamins A and E in oil. Aevit for facial skin can work wonders, and now you will see for yourself.


While we are running around boutiques with expensive cosmetics, there are products in the pharmacy that really work. These include vitamin aevit. There is nothing unusual in this product - just a mixture of vitamins A and E in oil, since these are fat-soluble vitamins, they are useless in another environment.

How is Aevit beneficial for facial skin?

To maintain youth and beauty, the skin needs all vitamins and microelements, but it is A and E that are responsible for its elasticity and firmness. These 2 vitamins are among the most powerful antioxidants.


Release form

Aevit is available in soft capsules, which are packed 10, 20, 30 or 50 in one pack. Another form of the medicine is 1 ml ampoules for injection, but this Aevit is used less frequently.


Each Aevit capsule contains the following two active compounds:

  1. Retinol palmitate. This is a form of vitamin A that comes in a dosage of 100,000 IU per capsule.
  2. Alpha tocopherol acetate. Each capsule contains 0.1 g of this form of vitamin E.

They are supplemented with soybean, sunflower or corn oil, and the capsules themselves are made of glycerol, gelatin and dyes.

You can learn about the benefits of vitamin A for human organism from the program of E. Malysheva:

Retinol palmitate (form of vitamin A):

  1. Regulates metabolism in tissues;
  2. Increases cellular immunity;
  3. Stimulates the proliferation of epithelial cells, thereby rejuvenating the skin;
  4. Necessary to strengthen the protective functions of tissues;
  5. Helps retain moisture in skin cells;
  6. Taking retinol internally and using it externally can cure simple forms of skin cancer;
  7. Inhibits the development of viruses and bacteria, protects the skin from the adverse effects of the external environment;
  8. Improves capillary blood circulation;
  9. Increases the antioxidant properties of vitamin E, which in turn prevents retinol from oxidizing.

Alpha tocopherol acetate is a fat-soluble vitamin:

  1. Has a pronounced antioxidant effect;
  2. Regulates metabolic processes in tissues;
  3. Stimulates microcirculation and normalizes tissue trophism;
  4. Penetrates deep into the layers of the epidermis, moisturizing and renewing the skin;
  5. Whitens and eliminates age spots;
  6. Rejuvenates the skin and stimulates the regeneration of new cells.

These 2 components interact well and complement each other. Vitamin A is necessary for facial skin, and vitamin E prevents it from oxidizing and having a positive effect.


Together they are primarily:

  1. Have a rejuvenating effect;
  2. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable;
  3. Improves complexion;
  4. Facial skin is more elastic and elastic, less sensitive and easier to recover;
  5. Pores are tightened and acne is cured.
  6. Thanks to the enhanced regenerating effect, acne marks disappear quite quickly.

Aevit for the skin around the eyes in homemade anti-wrinkle masks: effective recipes

Aevit is an excellent cosmetic product for caring for the skin around the eyes, it gently cares for, eliminating harmful crow's feet under the eyes. You can buy a ready-made gel with vitamin A and E in the composition (see photo), or you can use the recipes outlined by PhotoElf magazine below.


In its purest form

Squeeze the oily liquid from the capsule onto your finger and rub it along the massage lines along the lower and upper eyelids.

Lifting mask: potato + Aevit

To prepare this mask, you can use boiled potatoes: mash them and add Aevit. A teaspoon of potatoes will take 1 capsule of vitamins.

For the same purpose, you can grate fresh, young potatoes and combine them with our oil in the same proportion. The lifting effect is guaranteed in both cases.

Refreshing mask: greens + Aevit

Fresh parsley should be chopped until the juice is released. Mix this fresh pulp (2 teaspoons) thoroughly with the oil squeezed from 2 Aevita capsules.

This refreshing and toning mask is good to do in the summer mornings, when dark circles, bruises or puffiness are found under the eyes.

And the redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes will disappear after such a remedy. Be sure to try this mask - you won’t regret the results.

Anti-wrinkle mask: Aevit + oatmeal

Cook oatmeal in milk and cool to room temperature. Mix 2 teaspoons of the prepared product with oil from 2-3 Aevita capsules.

Oatmeal is a time-tested product recommended by all cosmetologists that does an excellent job of removing crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes.

Moisturizing mask: Aevit + cream

In principle, any dairy product is suitable for preparing this mask, but heavy cream is just the perfect ingredient for it. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of cream with the contents of 2-3 capsules and apply to the skin around the eyes.

This remedy is especially suitable for those who suffer from excessive dryness of the eyelids, even to the point of flaking.

The cream in this recipe can be painlessly replaced with cottage cheese, milk, yogurt without dyes, but under one condition - all these products must be as fat as possible.

Mask against dark circles: Aevit + banana

Mash a fresh, unspoiled banana. Mix 2 teaspoons of banana puree with the contents of 2 Aevita capsules.

With regular use of this miraculous mask, in the morning you will stop seeing unpleasant dark circles, bruises, bags and other cosmetic defects under your eyes.

Now you know how to use Aevit pharmaceutical capsules around the eyes at home to eliminate wrinkles, crow’s feet, ptosis and other troubles. This effective vitamin preparation will perfectly cope with any problem in this area of ​​your face if used correctly and regularly.

Even if it seems to you that you have already tried all the products, and everything is useless, do not despair: Aevit is an ideal product for caring for the skin around the eyes. See this for yourself.

Aevit for dry and aging skin

Vitamin A for aging skin will prevent premature cell death and rejuvenate the epidermis in a matter of minutes. Masks with vitamin A improve complexion, promote hydration and regeneration of the skin, improve blood flow to facial cells, relieve dryness and flaking, restore firmness and elasticity, and remove wrinkles.

Mask with yolk and honey

The yolk is mixed with melted honey (5 grams) and olive oil (5 grams). Then add aevit (1 ampoule) and apply the mixture to the face. Remove the mask after 15-20 minutes.

Clay mask

Yellow clay (20 grams) is dissolved in warm milk (20 milliliters). Add the yolk and chopped mint leaves (2 pieces). Mix everything thoroughly. The mask is left on the face for a quarter of an hour.

Beeswax mask

Butter (40 grams) is mixed with beeswax (5 grams) and placed in a steam bath. Add olive oil (20 grams) to the mixture. Then remove the dish from the heat and add aevit (2 ampoules) and grated strawberries (20 grams) into its contents. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the face. Remove the mask after a quarter of an hour.

Honey and lemon juice mask

Lemon zest from two lemons is poured with boiling water (250 milliliters). In another bowl, mix butter (100 grams), olive oil (60 grams) and honey (5 grams). Then add lemon juice (10 drops), aevit (2 capsules), mayonnaise (20 grams), camphor alcohol (20 grams) and lemon zest infusion to the prepared mixture. The mask is placed on the face for a quarter of an hour.

Mask with salt and yolk

Add yolk and a little salt to the contents of 4 capsules of aevit. The mask is applied to the face in layers: each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried. Remove the mask 5-10 minutes after the last layer is applied.

If you regularly use vitamin masks, they will have an amazing effect. In particular they:

  1. tighten facial skin and smooth out wrinkles;
  2. even out complexion;
  3. will make your facial skin smooth and velvety.

Thanks to the antioxidant effect of vitamins A and E, masks will prevent the action of free radicals, remove toxic substances from cells and prevent skin aging.


The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance.


How to use Aevit for facial skin

Only a doctor can decide whether or not to take Aevit orally, because the dose of vitamins is quite large and you should take as much as the body needs, no more. Let’s not forget for a second that an overdose of even the most beneficial vitamins can lead to serious health problems.

Well, if we use Aevit externally on the face, then apart from possible allergic reactions, this activity is absolutely safe.

Aevit is recommended for use on the face when:

  1. Oily and problematic skin, presence of acne and traces of acne
  2. Dry, aging skin.

Dermatoses, psoriasis

Aevit increases the local immunity of the skin, thanks to which you can get rid of many skin problems;
Seborrhea and hair loss. This is a facial skin problem that can also be treated by applying Aevit locally.

There are several ways to use a mixture of vitamins A and E in oil:

In its purest form

One capsule is pierced with a needle, the contents are applied to the face with light massaging movements until the oil is absorbed into the skin. It is best to do this at night, at this time the skin absorbs nutrients more easily, and it has more time for this. If you do this every evening, you will see the first results within 10 days. According to reviews, Aevit relieves acne, wrinkles and aging skin.

As an additive to night cream

Here you can do it differently. The first option is to add a couple of drops of vitamin oil to your night cream, the other is to apply Aevit to the skin half an hour after applying the cream. In any case, the effect is approximately the same.

Aevit for wrinkles - face masks

Since vitamin A and E in oil in tandem have a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin, it is primarily used to combat premature aging and wrinkles.

Add the contents of one Aevit capsule to any anti-aging masks or masks for aging skin. I add this oil to my coffee body scrub (coffee, sugar, oil, aevit) - the skin after it is divine.

Believe me, this vitamin oil costs mere pennies, and the effect exceeds any expectations.

Aevit for acne

Of course, it is believed that vitamin A is beneficial for acne, however, as I already noted, vitamin E improves the functioning of retinol and prevents it from oxidizing, so always try to use these 2 vitamins together.

To get rid of acne, lotions are made with aevit. Soak a cotton pad with the contents of one capsule and apply to the face. The good news is that it won't clog pores, but rather tighten them.

After a week of daily use, you will see significant results.

Can Aevit cause my face to turn yellow with constant use?

I decided to answer this question since it is asked very often.

Answer: Of course not! You look at the pictures and see yellow capsules, but the fact is that inside is ordinary vegetable oil enriched with vitamins, and the yellow color is not from the oil, but from the enteric membrane in which it is contained.

Methods of using Aevita for nails and hair

For nail growth

Usually they simply pierce the capsules and massage the contents into the cuticle and the nail itself. Judging by the reviews, this product works quickly and effectively. Nails become more elastic after the first use, and if you apply oil 3-4 times a week before bed, your nails will stop peeling and breaking and will begin to grow faster.

For seborrhea of ​​the scalp and hair loss

In its pure form, aevit is difficult to use on the head, so it is recommended to add it to hair masks:

A few tablespoons of olive, castor or burdock oil and the contents of 2 capsules of aevit. Apply the mask first to the scalp, leaving it on the hair. It is advisable to wrap your head in a towel and hold it for at least 30 minutes. Make a mask 1-2 times a week for 1 month.

Mask with yolk

Yolks from 2 eggs, 2 capsules of aevit. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, repeat once a week.

However, Aevit for facial skin, as well as for hair, can be used as an addition to any home remedies and masks. This is the easiest way to get its effects without much effort.

Take care of yourself, dear readers of Foto-elf magazine, and be beautiful!

Everyone understands that the human body needs vitamins. Women who take care of themselves know that they can use inexpensive and effective vitamin Aevit for their facial skin.

Benefits of Aevit for the body

Its name itself speaks about the two main vitamins “A” and “E” in its composition. Each of them has its own medical name.

Vitamin A is called retinol acetate or retinol for short. Read the detailed article about it “Retinol acetate for facial skin”

Vitamin “E” is called alpha tocopherol acetate or tocopherol. Read in detail “About using liquid vitamin E at home.”

These substances are responsible for keeping the skin firm and elastic. In addition, they are powerful antioxidants.

For example, A, which is dissolved in oil:

  1. improves metabolism in cells;
  2. strengthens the immune system;
  3. will stimulate skin restoration;
  4. will protect;
  5. will help retain moisture;
  6. improves blood circulation.
  1. acts on the deep layers of cells;
  2. moisturizes and rejuvenates facial skin;
  3. will get rid of pigmentation;
  4. may whiten the skin;
  5. will strengthen the tissue.

Having united, this couple works real miracles - they serve for the benefit of youth and beauty. Aevit is one of the most common medical products containing these two important vitamins.

When should it be used?

There are several signs that will tell a woman that it is time to use this drug.

Does your skin begin to fade, become very pale, or suffer from inflammation? Aevit will be very timely and useful. For aging skin, this drug is a real find, because it is aimed at rejuvenation.

In addition, there are a number of health problems for which doctors often recommend taking vitamins A and E themselves or products containing them.

Aevit is recommended to be used when:

  1. cheilitis – inflammation of the surface of the lips;
  2. ulcers and sebaceous plugs on oily skin;
  3. colds are too frequent;
  4. increased fatigue;
  5. poor vision, dry eyes;
  6. skin diseases.

In what form is it accepted?

At the pharmacy you can buy capsules with vitamins A and E in oil. They can be taken orally or, by extracting the liquid, externally by applying to areas of the skin. The decision to take them orally should be made solely by the doctor.

It’s a good idea to include in your diet foods that are leaders in content A (carrots, beef and pork liver) and E (peas, buckwheat, rye bread).

There are products that contain both of these vitamins and the advantage is parsley and low-fat dairy products: sour cream, cream, cottage cheese.


Use may be limited only by allergies. Pregnant women, just like nursing mothers, can use Aevit only under the supervision of a doctor and with his permission.

In any other case, you can use the drug internally after studying the instructions for use.

Just don't overdo it. No matter how beneficial vitamins are, an overdose can cause serious health problems.

Beauty recipes using Aevit

If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to smear your face with liquid Aevit, the answer is unequivocal - yes.

There is no drug that narrows pores and gets rid of wrinkles simpler than Aevit in its pure form.

The easiest procedure is to pierce the capsule with a needle and lubricate the face and skin around the eyes with the contents. And numerous reviews confirm this.

After this, a light massage will be helpful so that the oil is completely absorbed.

Do not forget that the skin must be cleansed first.

Sessions are best done at night for 20 days. This period is enough for the drug to fully act on the skin, renew it, get rid of acne and fine wrinkles, if necessary. What could be more effective and simpler?

A good option is when the oil from the capsule is mixed with your usual night cream, thereby enriching it.

Teenage acne can be defeated by applying a cotton pad soaked with a few drops of liquid Aevit to it. The course is every day for a week and a half.

There are more complex recipes that are also easy to prepare with your own hands at home.

Refreshing mask

One medium-sized potato, boiled in its jackets, is enough. It needs to be cleaned and crushed, adding oil from three Aevita capsules. There is no need to wait for it to cool completely. The warm puree is spread on your face and you rest with it for 20 minutes. The mask can be easily removed with a towel or napkin. With its help you will get rid of swelling and puffiness around the eyes.

Anti-wrinkle mask

You will need a teaspoon of thinner honey, the same amount of olive oil and one yolk. Everything needs to be mixed by adding liquid Aevit from one capsule. A mask is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, then washed off.

Eyelash mask

Take 10 ml of burdock oil and two pieces of Aevita. The oil from the capsules is mixed with burdock, then use an old mascara bottle, previously washed, and pour the oil mixture into it. For three weeks, you can paint your eyelashes with this mixture every evening. The result should certainly impress you. Especially young ladies who are dissatisfied with their rare thin eyelashes.

Pamper yourself, be beautiful! Vitamin Aevit for facial skin will help you with this.