Callus (Callosity, Plural. Callus)

A callus is a hard thickening of the skin that occurs in areas subject to prolonged pressure or friction.

Most often, calluses form on the skin of the heel areas and palms. They can be extremely painful if they occupy a large surface area of ​​the skin.

The cause of calluses is the increased growth of the stratum corneum of the skin in response to chronic irritation. The stratum corneum thickens, becomes dense and inelastic.

Treatment of calluses consists of eliminating the cause of their occurrence, using special pads and applying softening bandages. Salicylic acid applications and keratolytic ointments are also used. In severe cases, they resort to surgical removal of calluses.

Prevention of callus formation - proper skin care, wearing comfortable shoes, using pads in friction areas.

Calluses: prevention and treatment

Calluses are hard growths on the skin that occur as a result of prolonged pressure or friction. They usually occur where there is frequent exposure of the skin to these exposures. Calluses can appear on both the hands and feet.