Mst Continus

"MST Continus: narcotic analgesic"

There are many medications in the world that have different indications for use and side effects. One of these medications is MCT Continus (Metadyne *****). It belongs to the group of narcotic analgesics, which is used to relieve severe pain syndromes. It is important to note that MCT Contingus contains the active substance - morphine, which is a potent drug and has a number of contraindications and side effects.

The country of origin of MST Contineus (Metadini ***) is Great Britain. The manufacturer is Bard Pharmaceuticals and the Moscow Endocrine Plant. The drug is available in tablet form, which may contain from 10 to 20 mg of the active substance. MCT Contuegms has an international name - Morphinum hydrochloricum and can have different synonyms - Dolatrd, Morphiolong, **