
**Article about Mukodin** **Author** - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Ismakish Erevanskiy Doctors Association

**Abstract** Carbocystien, better known as Mucodin, is a drug from the group of mucolytic drugs, which allows it to successfully cope with the problem of productive cough in bronchitis and bronchial diseases, as well as in diseases of the respiratory system. The area of ​​application of Mucodin is inflammatory processes that affect the mucous tissues of the upper respiratory tract, producing viscous and stagnant mucus.

The pharmacological effect of the drug contributes to the speedy cessation of coughing and significant relief of coughing processes, because When treated with mucocytin, sputum becomes more liquid and drains well. Mucodin acts directly on inflamed tissues of the upper respiratory tract and helps get rid of patho