Mumiyo With Propolis

Hello dear readers, today we will talk about a medicine that is produced in Russia and is known for its amazing properties.

So, what is mumiyo? This is a natural product that is obtained from the resinous mass of small beetles that live in the Caucasus. Its composition includes organic acids, mumins, resins, balms, beeswax and other substances with healing properties. Shilajit has a wide range of uses, including joint diseases, cardiovascular diseases, stomach problems and other health problems.

But how is mumiyo connected with propolis and what is propolis? Propolis is a bee product made from the adhesive materials of certain species of bees. It also has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine to treat various diseases.

The combination of mumiyo with bee propolis has found wide use as a medicine. This combined use improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, cleanses the body, and has a beneficial effect on the skin and teeth. Often used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system and asthma.

Another important fact is that the manufacturer of this medicine is the pharmacological factory Equinones! This is one of the most famous drug manufacturers, which for many years has been providing consumers with high-quality drugs, including this remedy. Each division of the company undergoes independent quality control,