Muscle Depressor Labiorum Communis (M. Depressor Labiorum Communis)

The muscle that lowers the labrum commona (abbreviated as muscle fiber m. depressor) is called one of the two muscles (see M.depressor labii superioris), in turn located between the other two muscles - m.depressora labii inferioris. It is located between the tongue and lips. The second main muscle is the second muscle, the levator labii inferior (lat. musculus levator labii inferior). Typically, these muscles work together to tighten the lower lip. Likewise, their connection with each other begins to tighten the lip, making it softer. However, unlike the second muscle, this one may be present in the body in an incomplete state or be absent altogether. In this case, the main function will be somewhat impaired.

The appearance of the lip and the volume of the oral cavity largely depend on the condition and activity of the m muscle. depre.- Features of the structure of the lips The inner side of the lip, located closer to the teeth, is called the Klein surface. The outer side is called the Mondini surface. This is due to the fact that Latin has long been