Unscented men's antiperspirant

The main purpose of men's antiperspirants is to block sweating and aromatize. To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the deodorants that most consumers prefer.


This type of antiperspirant copes well with its functions: it prevents sweat and eliminates unpleasant odor. It is sold in aerosol cans. Before purchasing, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the composition of the product - it must be made from natural ingredients.


The main feature of this type of deodorant is that, unlike other antiperspirants, it does not leave white stains on clothes. Since the product does not contain harmful chemicals, it can be used by people with any skin type.


Deodorant for men in the form of a spray is sold in inconvenient containers. If it is exposed to high temperatures, it may explode. It is also not economical, since it only lasts for a short time.

Excessive sweating can cause a number of inconveniences: an unpleasant odor, wet marks on clothes that spoil the appearance. This leads to worsening mood and lowers self-esteem. Products that reliably remove sweat odor help you feel energetic and fresh every day. For those who prefer to use eau de toilette or good perfume, unscented deodorants are suitable. They perform their task without interrupting the aroma of perfume.

You need to choose a protective agent against sweating based on your individual characteristics, and there are at least four reasons for this:

  1. The ingredients in antiperspirant deodorants are not always suitable for sensitive skin. Some components, for example, aluminum salts, acid esters, can cause irritation and even provoke the development of tumor diseases.
  2. If one type of deodorant is ideal for one skin type, then it will be absolutely unacceptable for another.
  3. Roll-on, spray, and hard models leave white marks on clothes. Many people don't like it.
  4. Some people like fragrant deodorants that replace eau de toilette, while others are not satisfied with such smells and choose an unscented deodorant.

Fragrances have incredible power to influence the human psyche. Inhaling mixed odors can cause negative effects.


We are constantly surrounded by a mass of different smells emitted by perfumed creams, soaps, shampoos, not to mention eau de toilette. Aromatic deodorant is already too much. Many people opt for pure natural cosmetics without foreign odors.

"Pros" of unscented deodorants

  1. The products are suitable for people with increased skin sensitivity to irritants - fragrances, aggressive ingredients.
  2. Duration of action, gentle treatment of the epidermis.
  3. They allow you to feel the subtle aroma of your favorite perfume.
  4. They remove excess moisture from the armpit area, and thereby prevent the development of bacteria, which cause the unpleasant odor of sweat.
  5. They help control the natural physiological process of sweating and fight hyperhidrosis.

Modern offer

Conventional protective agents with a deodorizing effect reduce the activity of bacteria, but cannot influence the work of the sweat glands to reduce their activity. The smell of sweat is simply masked by fragrance. But antiperspirants perfectly block sweating; their components dissolve in a humid environment, forming a thin film on the surface of the skin.


Therefore, manufacturers combined both of these advantages and began producing antiperspirant deodorants containing active ingredients to combat sweat and its odor. In addition, they care for the skin, moisturize, and do not disturb the natural microflora.

In pharmacies you can find medicinal options for people suffering from hyperhidrosis, but they are best used on the advice of a doctor.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing an unscented deodorant, you need to take into account its basic properties so that there are no surprises or disappointments later. So you need to take into account some nuances:


  1. The release form plays an important role:
  1. aerosols (sprays) remain on the surface of the skin without penetrating into the epidermis, so that all family members can use one product;
  2. the sticker (pencil) is convenient to apply, but you need to follow the norm when applying so that excess substance does not remain on clothing;
  3. the ball quickly distributes the product on the skin of the armpits, but you have to wait for it to dry;
  4. the gel (cream) is pleasant to the skin, fits well, is absorbed, softens;
  5. powder or powder is difficult to apply and leaves traces;
  6. The crystal should be applied to damp skin or moistened with water, economical.
  1. The composition is also of paramount importance. A high-quality product should not contain substances hazardous to health: salts of heavy metals, parabens, artificial dyes. The more natural ingredients, the better. Unscented deodorant does not change its inherent properties even after a significant period of time.
  2. How does the skin perceive the protective agent against sweat? Is there any stickiness, redness or burning effect?
  3. The minimum validity period must be 12 hours.
  4. After use, there should be no trace left on clothing.
  5. The bottle should be a convenient size for you, easily fit in your hand, and not slip out while using its contents. The cream or spray should be applied evenly, without effort.
  6. The funds should last for a long time.

Popular brands

There are many universal non-perfumed products for women that can also be used by men.

  1. Mineral crystal deodorant based on alum or double salts. It has many varieties and names - Crystal, “BODY DEODORANT”, DEONAT, “MOUNTAIN ENERGY”. Completely natural products. Such products make the skin smooth, soothe, heal microcracks, and relieve inflammation. Suitable for absolutely everyone, hypoallergenic. One tube is enough for a year.
  2. Rexona has not lost its relevance to this day. The manufacturer is constantly improving its products, even releasing a special line of anti-sweat products.
  3. Finnish antiperspirant deodorant SIM SENSITIVE (LACTO PLUS) can be instantly absorbed into the skin. The remainder is removed with cotton pads or a dry cloth to protect clothes from stains. Contains aloe extract and is gentle on sensitive skin.

Women's anti-sweat products

  1. Garnier HEO women's antiperspirant receives a large number of positive reviews. The creamy product is completely odorless. The bottle is equipped with an exclusive sliding applicator. It spreads quickly over the skin, is well absorbed, and allows the skin to breathe. Helps with active sweat production.
  2. “Gentle Care” from Dove Pure is a deodorant with the most delicate texture. Dries quickly after application. Does not contain harmful substances.
  3. "Zeytun" has a completely natural composition. The ingredients include spring water, crystalline alum, and aloe plant extract. The product is produced in a spray format; it perfectly disinfects damage after depilation and does not cause allergies.

For real men

Anyone who prefers an exclusively male antiperspirant can try the following:


"PRO LS" without fragrances from LAB Series. It can be a real godsend for men who notice profuse sweating. Distribute it in an even layer on the skin of your armpits in the evening before bed, and during the next day you will feel dry and without the characteristic smell of sweat. Suitable for use with expensive perfume.

“Salbei” by Weleda is created on the basis of organic ingredients and has a subtle herbal aroma. Perfectly neutralizes odor when sweating is not too much. When using the product, the pores remain open, the skin breathes actively, and there are no stains on clothes.

Man care from Cool Dove does not contain alcohol and makes the skin softer and more elastic.

“72H Day Control” from the Bioterm brand helps with heavy sweating thanks to its mineral complex. Suitable for sporty men. Apply to dry, cleansed skin before bed.

Garnier's "Ice Extreme" consists of an absorbent of volcanic origin that absorbs excess moisture and cools the skin. Not a bad summer option. Retains its effect for several days.

Increased sweating and the appearance of a characteristic odor are a problem for many men. Sweat is devoid of any aroma, since it consists exclusively of water and salt. Ambre can remind itself if sweating was caused by a stressful condition, or pathogenic microorganisms began to spread in the released moisture. The fight against such phenomena involves the use of antiperspirant deodorants. However, as it turns out, choosing such a product is very difficult, so you need to know which unscented deodorant for men is ideal.


The problem of choosing a deodorant

Finding deodorant is not a problem, but choosing the right one is not always possible. Cosmetic stores and pharmacies offer a wide range of such products, but not all of them may be suitable for a man.

This is explained as follows:

  1. As a rule, all antiperspirants contain aggressive ingredients that can cause allergies or skin irritation. Therefore, they are contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.
  2. The same product can manifest itself differently when applied to the skin of different people. For some people there will be no problems, but for others it will be ineffective and will lead to allergies.
  3. Most antiperspirants, whether roll-on, solid deodorants or sprays, have one significant drawback - they leave stains and streaks on clothes.
  4. The smell plays a big role in choosing a deodorant. Some people use scented products, while others prefer those that are odorless.
  5. For many men, it is important that their daily antiperspirant be unscented. First of all, this desire is associated with increased sensitivity of the skin, which can react sharply to such components. Moreover, you don’t always want to simultaneously use body care products that may have a distinct but different scent.

Some manufacturers of cosmetic products take into account such wishes of consumers and offer them unscented antiperspirants.

"PRO LS" from LAB Series

This product will be a real godsend for those men who are bothered by excessive sweating. If you apply it to clean skin before bed, you can be sure that your armpits will remain dry throughout the day and there will be no characteristic odor. Another advantage of this brand of antiperspirant is that it does not contain fragrances, which means it has no aroma and can be used in tandem with perfume.


"Salbei" by Weleda

The product has an organic base. Neutralizes the odor that occurs during excessive sweating. It does not contain aluminum salts, parabens, artificial fragrances, or other components that may have a negative effect.


After using unscented men's deodorant, the pores are not clogged and the skin is not deprived of the ability to breathe. Another advantage of the product is that it does not contaminate things. The deodorant from this company is not able to combat increased sweat production, so it will be an ideal solution for those men who are trying to reduce the unpleasant aroma of sweat. The antiperspirant has an unobtrusive herbal scent, but after half an hour from application it completely dissipates.

"Man care Cool" by Dove

This antiperspirant contains a cream that makes the skin elastic and soft. Alcohol is not included among the ingredients. Does not dehydrate or irritate the skin. Effective during intense sports activities when increased sweating occurs.


"72H Day Control" from Biotherm

The antiperspirant provides the desired effect against increased sweating due to the mineral complex. Deodorant helps prevent sweating and the formation of a characteristic odor. After using it, there are no traces left on T-shirts and sweaters, it is free of fragrances, and does not dehydrate the skin.


Able to remain active for up to two days. To do this, you need to apply it to clean skin before bed and allow it to be completely absorbed. An ideal cosmetic product for representatives of the stronger sex who lead an active lifestyle.

Anti-Perspirant Deodorant by Clinique

The hypoallergenic product is presented in the form of a stick. After applying it to clean, dry skin, sweating is significantly reduced and a pungent odor is prevented. Does not contaminate clothes. It is considered one of the best antiperspirants from expensive brands for allergy sufferers.


"Ice Extreme" from Garnier

Antiperspirant from the Garnier brand is based on a mineral volcanic absorbent that naturally absorbs moisture for a long time. The product cools the skin, so it will be an excellent option for the summer. Guarantees protection against sweating for several days.


"Roll-On" by Clarins

Reduces sweating, but does not block the activity of the sweat glands. The product for men is alcohol-free and does not irritate the skin. An unscented deodorant is perfect for those who cannot tolerate scented body products. Due to the absence of fragrances, it can be used in combination with perfumes.


"Citron" by Old Spice

The product remains active for 2 days. It has a light citrus aroma, so it will be a godsend for those who prefer eau de toilette with this scent. Available in spray or stick form. Neutralizes the smell of sweat and protects from moisture in the armpit area.


"Heat Control" by Fa

Antiperspirant from the Fa brand is one of the best products that can be used in the heat. Prevents sweating, fights the pungent odor of sweat. This product is chosen by lovers of extreme activities and those who are actively involved in sports.


Vichy Homme

Antiperspirant can be safely used by people with sensitive skin. Many anti-sweating deodorants cause redness and irritation of the skin in the armpits. But all this is not about Vichy Homme. The product is based on thermal water and supplemented with substances that block sweating and provide an antibacterial effect. Guarantees dryness of problem areas for 48 hours.


Crystal Body

You cannot find such a product in every store. An antiperspirant made with natural ingredients does not clog pores and has a neutral odor because it is fragrance-free. Crystal deodorant is a universal product, so it can be used by representatives of the weaker and stronger sex.


Effective for hyperhidrosis, prevents unpleasant odor, ideal for allergy sufferers. As for the disadvantages of antiperspirant, it is worth mentioning that it can break into pieces if dropped on a hard surface. Before use, it must be moistened with water.

"Arctic Ice" by Gilette

Gillette brand product allows a man to forget about sweating armpits and the appearance of a suffocating odor for a long time. It dries quickly after application and is used sparingly. Refreshes the skin, which is especially necessary in the summer heat or after active physical activity.


Nature's Hematite

The Italian-made powder product contains talc, vitamin E, and aloe vera extract. Doesn't clog pores. There is no alcohol or aluminum among its components.


Powder antiperspirant is not convenient for everyone; it is especially difficult for men to get used to using the product in this form, so many of them prefer sticks or sprays. However, this cosmetic product is one of the best hypoallergenic antiperspirants due to its natural composition.

Alternative to deodorants

The fight against excessive sweating is not limited to antiperspirants alone. They can be replaced by pharmaceutical products that are safe for humans. For example, zinc or salicylic-zinc paste is odorless, but its effect lasts about 7 days. One package of this product is enough for more than one month of use. Such substances have another big advantage - affordable cost.


Excessive sweating, which appears under the influence of external factors, can be regulated using cosmetics in the form of antiperspirants and powders. When hyperhidrosis is a symptom of a disease, more radical methods will be required to eliminate it.