Muscle, Arytenoid Transversus (M. Arytenoideus Transversus, Pna; M. Arytaenoideus Transversus, Bna)

The transverse arytenoid muscle is one of the laryngeal muscles, which is located in the front of the larynx and is involved in the formation of the voice. It has the shape of a triangle and consists of two parts: front and back.

The anterior part of the muscle is located on the anterior surface of the arytenoid cartilage and is attached to it by a tendon. The posterior part of the muscle is located on the posterior surface of the arytenoid cartilage and is also attached to the cartilage by a tendon.

The transverse arytenoid muscle is responsible for changing the shape of the arytenoid cartilages during voice formation. When the vocal cords contract, the arytenoid cartilages expand, which increases the volume of the larynx and creates sound.

In addition, the transverse arytenoid muscle plays an important role in breathing. It helps maintain constant air pressure in the larynx, which helps maintain normal vocal cord function and prevent damage.

To maintain normal functioning of the transverse arytenoid muscle, it is necessary to monitor its condition and undergo regular preventive examinations with an otolaryngologist.

The muscle, arytenoid transverse, or transverse arytenoid muscle (lat. Musculus Arytenoideus Transversus) is one of the muscles of the larynx, which is located on the posterior surface of the arytenoid cartilages and is involved in the formation of the vocal cords. It is located between the arytenoid cartilages and the thyroid cartilage and helps regulate voice pitch and intonation.

The transverse arytenoid muscle is one of many muscles of the larynx and has several functions. It helps move the arytenoid cartilages up and down, which changes the shape of the vocal folds and therefore the pitch of the voice. In addition, the transverse arytenoid muscle is also involved in the formation of the voice, helping to change its pitch, timbre and volume.

The transverse arytenoid muscle also plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the larynx. It protects the arytenoid cartilage from injury and damage, and also helps maintain the correct position of the vocal folds.

Overall, the transverse arytenoid muscle is an important part of the larynx and plays a key role in producing the voice. Its proper functioning and health are important for maintaining the health of the vocal cords and the proper functioning of the larynx in general.