Muscle Depressor Labii Inferioris Proprius (M. Depressor Labii Inferioris Proprius)

The muscle that lowers the lower lip (m. Depressor labii inferiores proprius), also known as the muscle of the lower lip, is one of the muscles involved in the formation of facial expression. It is located in the lower part of the face and is responsible for lowering the lower lip.

The depressor labii labii muscle is part of a large group of muscles called the orbicularis oris. This muscle group consists of several muscles that are responsible for the movement of the lips, cheeks and tongue.

The function of the depressor labii inferioris muscle is to lower the lower lip and thereby create an expression of sadness or sadness. When the muscle contracts, it pulls down on the lower lip, causing it to droop. This movement can be used to express various emotions such as sadness, surprise, anger, etc.

In addition, the depressor labii muscle is also involved in the formation of a smile. When the muscle is relaxed, the lower lip is raised and a smile is created.

In general, the depressor labii labii muscle plays an important role in facial expression and is an important element in communication between people.

M. depressor labii superioris propria is a muscle of the lower lip that plays an important role in speech and facial expressions. It helps lower the lower lip and add expressiveness to the face.

Location of the muscle: The upper lip is located approximately 1.5 cm above it. Pulls the lower lip outward. Acts independently or when working with the superior labial muscle. The musculature of the lower lip muscle is innervated by the facial nerve CN VII. There is also a blood supply from the labial artery. The morphology of the muscle is expressed in the fact that it is represented by fusiform myocytes, which lie in the grooved canal near the medial edge of the lower jaw. It is covered with a shell. Part of its muscle enters the fatty tissue located in the corner of the mouth, connecting with the orbicularis muscle of the lower lip.