Muscle that lifts the inferior lip (M. Levator Labii Inferioris)

The muscles of the lower lip play an important role in shaping the smile and maintaining a healthy facial appearance. One of these muscles is the levator labii muscle - m. levator lipi inferioris. This muscle is located on the lower jaw, deep under the skin, and is responsible for raising and holding the lower lip.

Like all human muscles, the m. lever lipi Inferioris works continuously, ensuring constant movement of the lower lip and maintaining a beautiful mouth contour. However, when certain conditions occur, such as stress, fatigue, smoking, or even an incorrect bite, this muscle can become too tight and perform its functions incorrectly.

Muscle m. levar lipi I nferioris is located between the upper lip and lower eyelid. It consists of several individual fibers that intertwine, forming a complex mechanism for controlling the lower lip. From there, the lips contract, move and expand in different directions. The muscle fibers may become stretched or strained when performing various postures, such as chewing, smiling, or laughing.

In addition, the hyaloid vessels and nerves of the m. lever I. lip Inferioris provide its functionality, such as the ability to contract and expand. These structures also play a role in other functions such as