Muscle, Papillary Minor (T. Papillares Parvi, Jna)

When studying human anatomy, we come across a huge number of terms and names of muscles. But among them there are some important and unique terms that are not used so often in our daily life. One such term is the muscle, papillary minor or T. papillares paravi, DND is a muscle of the tongue that is located in the back of the tongue at the base of the root of the tongue. In this article we will look at the main functions of this muscle and its importance for human health.

The papillary minor muscle, also known as the musculus palatinus minor, is an important muscle in anatomy. It is responsible for the rise and fall of the soft palate and tongue. This muscle is located between the roof of the mouth and the tongue and is a very necessary muscle for proper breathing and speech in humans. It also plays an important role in swallowing and pronounces whispered letters. In addition, this muscle is a component of the normal functioning of the tongue, which helps to pronounce sounds and words.

Although the papilloma minor muscle is important for human health, certain factors can impair its function. Some diseases, such as diseases of the soft palate, as well as cancer and throat infections, can cause damage to this muscle. For elimination