Muscle Serratus Posterior Superior

The serratus posterior superior muscle (m. serraus posterior superior) is a muscle that is located on the back surface of the chest. It consists of several muscle fibers that attach to the ribs and spine. The function of this muscle is to assist in the movement of the chest during inhalation and exhalation.

The serratus posterior inferior muscle (m.serraus posterior inferior) is another muscle located on the back surface of the chest, but lower than the serratus superior muscle. It also consists of several muscle fibers and is attached to the ribs. The function of this muscle is also to help in the movement of the chest during inhalation and exhalation.

Both muscles play an important role in the normal functioning of the chest and lungs. However, if these muscles are damaged or weakened, it can lead to breathing problems and other illnesses. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of these muscles and exercise regularly.

Chest muscles. Serratus superior posterior muscle

The muscle is located on the back of the chest and at the bottom of the scapula, has a wedge-shaped shape and tapers towards the tendon. The beginning of the rib forms the lateral wall of the muscle. *The posterior and lower teeth of the lower surface of the upper ribs are attached to the lower part of the outer surface of the muscle.* At the lower border of the muscle there are two thin, delicate muscle processes - **large triangular** and **small pyramidal, which are bony projections and interfere with muscle attachment .** *The serratus fascia is attached to the lateral wall of the muscle, but only on the upper side (where there is no tooth).* *The medial two teeth of all lower ribs are also attached in this place.* From the serratus anterior muscle on the lateral side of the muscle belly there are two groups of heads adjacent to each other. They have the shape of isosceles trapezoids. Along the length of the muscle between the heads there is an intermediate tendon of the muscle. Below its attachments are fibers containing blood vessels and nerves. In the posterior part of the muscle there are a large number of cells. *Below these is a long tendon that runs along the medial side of the body of the scapula and then runs down along the spine.* The serratus major muscle connects to it on either side of where it exits at the deltoid muscle. Also, using the upper tooth from the VII intercostal space, the long head of the m is attached to the muscle. The upper part of the foramen magnum is attached to the mid-cervical point of the mouse.