Müllerian tubercle

Müllerian tubercle or Müllerian organ is a paired outgrowth in males of the germinal tract of mammals and humans, involved in the development of the urogenital sinus. It is a group of mesenchymal cells with fibrous stroma - a tuberous gland.

Müllerian tubercle is located at the L1 or L2 level of the lumbar spine, dorsal to the gonads; in a girl it degenerates into an ovary. In the male sexual partner, the unpaired embryonic tubercle remains in the ovaries and remains for life. That

Müllerian tubercle is an anatomical formation located in the submucosa of the gastric glands along its anterior wall. It is also called a tensor domain. A relatively short muscular eyelid that overlaps the lower tubal section. It is also noted that it is formed from a fiber of a connective tissue structure, characterized by the fact that nerve and lymphatic fibers are woven into it.

Clinical significance

In the area of ​​the Müllerian tubercle, germ cells are located for the formation of the mucous membrane of the lower