Moles began to appear on the face


The appearance of moles.

Where moles come from is a question that has long interested humanity. Today there are correct and interesting answers. Despite this, not everyone knows why moles appear on the face and body, what kind of phenomenon they are, when they appear specifically, whether they are harmful and how to protect them. First of all, remember that it is a mistake to believe that moles will turn into skin cancer for you. In fact, not all moles can negatively affect your health and develop into cancer. It’s worth starting with the fact that moles appear only in the first years of life, and with birth only pigmented spots can appear (they are usually called birthmarks).

There is no point in arguing, a mole is a defect. If the mole is congenital, then it is a congenital defect; if the mole is acquired, i.e. appeared in childhood or older age, then this is a benign tumor. However, at this stage it is safe, although there is a risk that the mole or nevus will degenerate into a malignant tumor, which happens extremely rarely. Every person is born with a certain amount of pigment in their skin cells. Over time, the pigment turns into melanocytes, the accumulation of which forms a mole with its characteristic shape and color.

It is not surprising that moles appear not only on the body, but also on the face. Moreover, moles can even appear on the mucous membrane, on the tongue, etc. Most often, many moles on the face occur in women, possibly due to frequent hormonal changes (may be associated with pregnancy, the menstrual cycle, nervous breakdowns, etc.) . The appearance of a mole is difficult to notice immediately - at first it is a slightly light spot on the skin, which over time begins to darken and acquire the correct shape and color, structure and density.


If moles change.

It is generally accepted that moles need to be removed because of their negative impact. However, not every mole can cause harm to health. Therefore, there is no point in getting rid of a simple benign mole if it does not bother you or cause aesthetic discomfort. But in some cases, it is necessary to pay special attention to the mole:

  1. If a mole on the face grows, not over a period of 10 years, but rather quickly in a short period of time;
  2. If a mole itches, itching appears around it, an unpleasant burning sensation;
  3. If a mole on the face is inflamed and the skin around it is red and/or swollen;
  4. If the mole has changed in structure - it has become denser or, on the contrary, lumpy, covered with cracks, etc.;
  5. If a mole on your face turns red, becomes engorged, or begins to bleed.
  6. All these symptoms, both together and separately, indicate that you need to see a doctor.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW. If you have a question about a mole, you should see a dermatologist-oncologist (dermatologist-oncologist), dermatologist, or oncologist. These specialists will help you by answering your questions, will also give you recommendations and diagnose moles.

You cannot ignore the signals from your body, because inflammation, bleeding, burning, etc. are signals from the body that you need to pay attention to. You should contact a specialist with your complaints as soon as possible. However, in no case should you contact a cosmetologist: if a mole hurts, this does not mean that it is time to remove it, even in a cosmetology office. This indicates that you need medical attention. You can contact a cosmetologist only if he has an education in the specialty of dermatologist, has experience, and the office is equipped with good equipment and sanitary and hygienic requirements are met.

Soreness of moles.

If a mole on your face hurts, then it’s time to pay attention to it. It is important not to miss this signal and not to allow complications, which is why people sometimes have a swollen face, bleeding from a mole, abscesses appear, etc. Don’t ignore the fact that the child feels pain: listen to complaints and examine the painful area - if a mole hurts or the area around it is a bad sign.

What to do if you feel pain in a mole? Of course, you need to go to a medical facility for help. Only good doctors can help. As a rule, if you do not pay attention to the soreness of the mole, in the next period you may notice inflammation of the mole. These two signals from the body increasingly warn of danger and the inflammatory process inside you, which may also indicate that the mole is degenerating into melanoma (a malignant tumor).

If you don’t want to see a doctor right away, at least monitor how the mole changes:

  1. What are the sizes of the mole and do they change?
  2. Is there any burning, itching or pain in the mole?
  3. Is the skin around the mole swollen, is there inflammation,
  4. What is the structure of the mole - what is its density or bumpiness, are there any cracks,
  5. Is the mole engorged, red, or bleeding?

Maybe you yourself didn’t notice how you touched a mole. Take a closer look, perhaps you injured it or tore it off. Bleeding does not always begin when a nevus is injured; bleeding can be both strong and weak. If you rip off a mole and it begins to bleed, you need to do the following:

  1. Soak cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide solution
  2. Apply damp cotton wool to the bleeding mole
  3. Remove the cotton wool and apply a dry bandage folded in several layers for 10-15 minutes.

This will help you stop the bleeding, but remember that an injury can trigger the mole to become melanoma, so be sure to have the mole checked by a dermatologist or oncologist.

The appearance of new moles.

Many people are interested in why moles appear on the face and body? This is a normal process that can last a lifetime. By the way, new moles most often appear on the face. This is explained by the fact that we often appear on the street without a hat. Even if you carefully protected your face from the sun in summer, you should not avoid this in winter, when the sun is no less active on the skin. Moles can appear anywhere, so it's no surprise that a new mole has formed on your face.


To rid yourself of the appearance of new moles on the face and body, you must follow several rules:

  1. Spend less time in the sun, try to sunbathe early in the morning or after a decline in solar activity,
  2. When exposed to the sun, protect your body and face with sunscreen with an SPF level greater than 60.
  3. When walking during the day, when solar activity is at its brightest, try to wear long sleeves and floor-length trousers/skirts. They may be light and transparent, but will protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation,
  4. Be sure to wear hats, preferably with wide brims, large visors, etc.,
  5. Avoid visiting the solarium
  6. Monitor your hormonal levels
  7. See a dermatologist regularly, check it at least 2 times a year.

Often many new and hanging moles appear in pregnant women due to hormonal changes in the body along with exposure to the sun. Most often, such moles appear on the neck, arms and stomach. They are usually dangerous due to the risk of injury. It is advisable to remove such moles so as not to damage them and not cause the formation of a malignant tumor.

Moles are rather mysterious formations of the human body. For many years, even the most famous doctors of their time could not explain what caused them. However, today you can easily get an answer to this question.

General characteristics of moles

Nevi that appear on the face create serious cosmetic problems. Many moles on the face can cause serious problems. They can be classified according to certain criteria. The main nevi include:

  1. Large pigmented spots. They are innate and their size increases with human growth. Most often these are gray or brown moles. After some time they may turn black. These spots are very dangerous, as there is a possibility that over time they will degenerate into a malignant tumor.

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    Blue moles. They got their name because of their color. They look like dense and smooth hemispheres appearing on the skin.
  3. Convex moles. They form in the dermis. Such formations can be either flat or lumpy. In some cases, small hairs grow on them. The diameter of the nevus is less than one centimeter.
  4. Flat moles. More often than others they are found on the human face. They are formed in the uppermost layers of the skin. Such a nevus on the face does not change its shape and does not react in any way to sunlight. They very rarely develop into malignant tumors.
  5. Hemangiomas. Formed in the upper layers of the skin. Externally, they may differ from each other. Hemangiomas are red and hanging. There are also non-vascular hemangiomas, which look very similar to small warts. They do not bring discomfort or unpleasant sensations. At best, they disappear on their own after a few years. However, if they are damaged, they will be difficult to remove in the future.

Causes of moles

Many people are interested in why moles appear on the face. In order to find out why the number of moles on the face is growing, you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons. They may be different. These include:

  1. Ultra-violet rays. The face is exposed at any time of the year and is therefore exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to this, the human body begins to actively produce melanin, which is responsible for the appearance of nevi.

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    Heredity. In some cases, this problem can be transmitted from mother to fetus.
  3. Accelerated growth of blood capillaries.
  4. Injuries.
  5. Exposure to x-rays or radiation.
  6. Viruses.
  7. Hormonal imbalance. Women are more likely than men to have this problem. Therefore, moles on the face of women appear much more often. They are formed due to frequent stress, abortion, pregnancy and menstrual cycles.

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How to avoid the appearance of nevi on the face?

There are a number of rules that will prevent the appearance of tumors:

  1. You need to spend less time in the sun. Sunbathing is recommended only in cases when solar activity subsides.
  2. While in the sun, the face and body should be protected with special sunscreens. Their defense level must be greater than 60.
  3. When walking during the day, you should take hats with you. At the same time, they should have large peaks and wide brims.
  4. You don't need to visit the solarium very often.
  5. It is recommended to monitor the hormonal levels of the body.
  6. You should visit a dermatologist several times a year to examine any moles that have appeared.

Health care

It is believed that moles on the face should be removed, as they negatively affect human health. However, not all have a negative impact. Therefore, there is no point in getting rid of a benign mole if it does not cause aesthetic discomfort.

There are a number of reasons when you should still pay attention to moles:

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    Their number has increased significantly.
  2. They begin to grow very quickly. A large mole poses a danger to human health.
  3. Redness and bleeding appear.
  4. A burning sensation and unpleasant itching appears around them.
  5. Moles on the face begin to become inflamed, and the skin around them becomes swollen and red.
  6. The structure of the nevus began to change. It may become more lumpy and dense. Sometimes it becomes covered with cracks.

All these body signals should not be ignored. If at least one of the above signs appears, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.

Treatment of moles

Before treatment, examinations of the body are carried out. They will help identify possible contraindications for further procedures. A biopsy is required to make sure that there are no cancer cells under the mole. There are different treatment methods:

  1. Laser. Today it is the most popular procedure, since laser treatment practically does not cause any complications. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts only five minutes. Skin recovery may take several weeks.

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    Cryodestruction. In this case, moles are removed by burning them off using liquid nitrogen. The procedure is not so popular, since during its implementation healthy tissues are also damaged. The skin recovers within a month.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Various DC or AC devices are used. Under the influence of electric current, the nevus is completely burned out. For the procedure, local anesthesia is administered. Complete skin restoration takes 10 days.

Surgery. After the advent of laser, surgical treatment is no longer very relevant. However, some salons use this technology, as it has its advantages:

  1. complete security;
  2. cheapness;
  3. a small number of contraindications;
  4. inability to re-proliferate cells.

Possible complications after removal of facial tumors

Even modern medicine and new technologies cannot guarantee that the removal of moles will not be accompanied by complications. They can be different:

  1. Infection and bleeding during surgical removal.
  2. The appearance of scars and cicatrices.
  3. In some cases, burns appear that will take a long time to care for.
  4. Damage to nearby healthy tissue.

The appearance of a large number of moles on the face can cause harm to health. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner to solve this problem.


Previously, people considered moles to be a sign of certain changes in a person’s personality or destiny.

Now medicine has precisely studied the process of appearance moles and can tell you in detail where moles come from.


Exists variety of classifications of moles, in particular, you can distinguish nevi by:

As a rule, the greatest concern is caused by interfering and large moles that have a convex shape.

What types of moles appear on the face? A wide variety of moles can appear on the face, from vascular, which are red and appear due to the development of blood vessels, and hanging, which are somewhat similar to papillomas and require removal, to simple flat intradermal moles.

In general, any kind of moles can appear on the face, and it is not as important to know about this variety as it is necessary to know why new moles may appear and which of them should be removed.

You can learn how to remove warts on the face from our article.

Main reasons

Why do moles appear on the face of an adult? Probably each of us at least once in our lives wondered where moles come from. Today there are many interesting and correct answers.

But even despite this, specific There is still no consensus among ordinary people.

The main thing to remember is that the statement: “moles will soon develop into skin cancer” is full-fledged myth.


The mistake lies in the fact that people are not aware that not all nevi pose a danger to human health.

If over the years you notice new moles on yourself, then this is already a tumor, but fortunately benign.

It's absolutely safe. But it is best to see a doctor at the initial stage so that it does not develop into another tumor, but already malignant.

It has been noticed that new nevi mostly form on our face. Why? People who understand this explain this by the fact that most often this part is open on the street.

This applies not only summer timewhen the sun is particularly hot in the sky, it also has an effect on the body on winter days, because there is still a certain percentage of light rays coming in.

In order to reduce the process of the appearance of new benign spots on your skin, follow a few simple and useful rules:

  1. Spend as little time as possible in the open, hot sun. If you cannot live without sunbathing, then it is best to do it early in the morning or late in the evening.
  2. Try to reduce your exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  3. Never forget to wear hats, this is very important.
  4. Limit your visits to the solarium.
  5. Control your hormonal levels.
  6. Be sure to get examined by a dermatologist several times a year.

This way you can control the number of moles on your own face.

Read about the causes of spider veins on the face here.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Do I need to see a doctor?


What to do if there are more and more moles on the face and they bother?

Many of us deceptively think that as soon as we notice a new formation on ourselves, we must immediately remove it so that there are no bad consequences.

Understand that not every such spot is negative and terrible for your health. It is logical that if the mole is benign, does not create a feeling of discomfort or interfere with you, then no need to touch her at all.

It’s a completely different matter when spots grow that just need to be fixed right away. at least show it to a doctor. How to determine which of them are worthy of the doctor’s attention:

  1. if you notice that there is a formation on your face growing at incredible speed, not in years, as usual, but in almost a few months grows to large sizes;
  2. there will never be a “good” mole itch, if this happened, and even worse appeared itching and burning around her - immediately rush to the doctor;
  3. inflammation of the birthmark on the face will immediately become noticeable, because this process is accompanied redness and swelling;
  4. structural changes in the nevus - shape, density, and most importantly the color that becomes lumpy;
  5. the worst and most unpleasant thing: if the formation on the skin begins to turn red, become engorged with blood and, worst of all, it begins bleed.

After all, having started this process at the initial level, you can wait terrible complications, in which the face swells quite strongly, constant bleeding from the wound appears, numerous abscesses form on the skin, and the like.


If moles bother you or their number increases, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor.

You should contact an oncodermatologist, where you can get the most complete consultation, although at first you can simply contact a therapist.

However, if you have concerns, always follow up with analysis and understanding exactly what your tumor is.

An increase in the number of moles can often indicate hormonal changes or other changes in body functions.

Therefore, you should contact an endocrinologist or a therapist again. The appearance of new moles is not always a negative symptom; sometimes such a process is completely normal.

Why do pigment spots appear on the face of women? Find out the answer right now.

Are they dangerous?

Nowadays it is difficult to be surprised by the fact that a mole appears, for example, on the skin of the face. Perhaps someone didn't know, but they can even form on mucous membranes.

Most often, a large number of these elements can be found in the fairer sex, most likely due to frequent hormonal, special changes:

  1. pregnancy,
  2. individual menstrual cycle,
  3. nervous breakdowns.

Almost each of us is born with a certain amount of pigment in the body. Under the influence of time pigment develops into melanocytes. It is the formation of these elements that creates the mole, giving it its final shape and dark color.


The appearance of moles is completely not dangerous and completely natural.

Although you should take into account the previously noted options for disturbing moles that need to be “taken” to a doctor.

If such a mole appears, It’s better not to neglect the opportunity to get specialist advice.

In addition, it should be noted that moles are used as an analyzer of the condition of your body. If nevi begin to appear in large numbers in a short period, most likely you need to take care of your own health.

Now you know where moles come from and whether you should be afraid of moles that appear on your face.

You can remove some nevi for medical or aesthetic reasons, but something like a mole on the face can also be removed. can become the highlight of your image. We hope this information can be useful to you.

Recommendations from specialists regarding the treatment of facial neurodermatitis can be found on our website.

You can find out what causes many moles on the face and what this means from the video: