Nail Sinus

How often do we think about the health of our nails? I am sure that many of us do not pay enough attention to this important organ of our body. However, nails are not only an aesthetic element of our appearance, but also a reflection of the health of our skin and the entire body as a whole.

I recently learned about the term nail sinus. Let's figure out what it is and why it is so important for our health? The human nail has four structures: matrix, bed, post and root, each of which has a specific function. The matrix is ​​the base of the nail, and the bed is the thinnest part of the nail. And this is where the interesting story about the nail sinus begins.

The nail has its own channels called nail canals. These channels pass through the nail bed and exit through specialized openings called nail foramina. However, sometimes these openings can become clogged with dirt particles, bacteria, dust or other foreign substances, which can lead to inflammation and infection. It is in this case that the nail sinus helps, which controls the operation of the nail canals and prevents them from clogging.

Scientists have proven that the nail sinus plays an important role in maintaining the health of our immune system and protecting the nail apparatus from damage. In addition, it also helps preserve