Napalkova Access

Napalkov Access is a Soviet surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Napalkov (1868–1938), who made a significant contribution to the development of surgery. He was one of the first surgeons to use small incision access to organs, which significantly improved the efficiency of operations and reduced the risk of complications.

Napalkov was born in 1868 in Moscow. He received his medical education from Moscow University and began his career as a surgeon at the N.I. Hospital. Pirogov. In 1900, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he worked in the surgical clinic of the Military Medical Academy.

One of Napalkov's most famous works was his method of accessing the heart through a small incision in the chest. This method was developed in the early 20th century and became very popular among surgeons. Napalkov also developed other methods of accessing organs, such as umbilical access and clavicle access.

In addition, Napalkov was known for his research in the field of anesthesia and pain management. He developed new methods of anesthesia that made it possible to perform operations without pain and stress for patients.

Nikolai Ivanovich Napalkov died in 1938, but his methods of accessing organs are still used in modern medicine. His name was given to one of the streets in Moscow, as well as one of the hospitals in St. Petersburg.

**Napalkova access**

Vadim Stanislavovich Napalkov is a Russian surgeon. He was born in Germany in 1878 in the family of the future famous Russian professor of forensic medicine Stanislav Naumovich Napalkov and his wife, artist Olga Semyonovna Bosch.

The father came from an ancient Russian family, and the mother was German. My father graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Dorpat and became a resident at the Meynort University Clinic and a professor at the Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy. My mother raised creative people in the house, mainly poets, artists, actors, and writers.

Stanislav Nikolaevich Napalkov was distinguished by his great erudition, especially in the field of forensic medicine, and his deep knowledge of legal principles. This knowledge