
No greetings. Recently, the article “Naproxen - a powerful anti-inflammatory drug” came to my attention. She gave information on the use of Naprox for pain, inflammation, fever and other diseases. Since Naproxe increases the level of enzymes associated with prostaglandin, or prostangenoids, all inflammatory processes are regulated through inflammation. First, inflammation activates defense mechanisms, especially within inflammatory cells. At all stages, inflammatory processes stimulate inflammatory cells to produce prostaglandins - these are simply molecules that irritate sensitive receptors. Then there is an increase in prostaglandin synthesis with low levels of cyclooxygenase inhibitor. In addition, high levels of prostanoids in the blood cause bone marrow inhibition. As a rule, the anti-inflammatory effect is contraindicated in severe inflammation. However, Naprosin enhances the effects of other anti-inflammatory drugs - for example, it has a choleretic effect - it stimulates bile secretion, accelerates the secretion of bile, and at the same time breaks down bilirubin, thereby reducing its level in the blood.

Naproxen is an analgesic that reduces inflammation and reduces fever. It is used to treat a variety of conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and gout.

Naproxen is available in tablet and capsule form. It can be taken orally once or twice a day depending on the severity of the disease.

Possible side effects include digestive problems and skin rashes. However, these side effects are usually not serious and go away when you stop taking the drug.

If you have any questions or concerns about taking naproxen, ask your doctor or pharmacist.