
Narcissism, derived from the Greek word "narkissos" and associated with the mythological youth who fell in love with his reflection in water, is a term used to describe a certain type of psychological behavior and personality trait.

Narcissism is usually associated with excessive admiration and interest in one's own personality, a strong desire to gain recognition and respect from others, and a sense of self-importance and superiority. People who exhibit narcissistic traits typically seek constant confirmation of their superiority and success, as well as constant attention and admiration from other people.

Although some degree of narcissism may be present in every person, extreme narcissism can become a problem. People with significant narcissism may exhibit self-centered behavior, believing themselves to be special and special, and treating other people with contempt or disrespect. They may be overly susceptible to criticism and unable to accept their own mistakes and shortcomings.

Narcissism has several forms, including grandiose narcissism, which is characterized by excessive self-esteem and importance, and vulnerable narcissism, which masks low self-esteem and fear of rejection. People with narcissistic traits may also have difficulty relating to others, as their self-centeredness and need for constant admiration can lead to problems in communication and interaction.

Narcissism may also be associated with certain psychological disorders, such as narcissistic personality disorder, which is characterized by an excessive perception of self-importance and a need for constant attention and admiration. People with this disorder usually have problems in relationships and have difficulty fitting into society.

The study of narcissism and its influence on personality and behavior is a subject of interest in psychology and the social sciences. Much research has been conducted to understand the causes and consequences of narcissism, and to develop treatment and support strategies for people suffering from narcissistic problems.

In conclusion, narcissism is a complex concept that describes personality traits associated with excessive self-admiration, the need for recognition and superiority. Although narcissism can have negative consequences on a person's relationships and well-being, studying it helps us better understand various aspects of human psychology and behavior.

Narcissism of personality: methods of working with psychological characteristics.

A narcissistic personality is a personality characterized by excessive concentration on oneself, narcissism, and egocentrism. She is obsessed with thoughts about her own appearance, success, and achievements. Often such people treat themselves with a completely unjustifiably arrogant and condescending attitude towards the people around them. A narcissistic person remains immovable