How to treat cataracts at home? Benefits and contraindications of therapy. List of the most effective folk remedies for internal use and external use. Reviews about home treatment for cataracts.
The content of the article:- The benefits of folk remedies for cataracts
- Contraindications
- Rules of traditional treatment
- External use recipes
- Internal reception facilities
- Gymnastics for the eyes
- Real reviews
Folk remedies for the treatment of cataracts are drops, compresses, ointments, infusions, juices, etc. for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, which can be prepared independently at home. It is necessary, however, to take into account that cataracts are a very serious illness, and therefore, as a rule, it is unacceptable to limit treatment to only folk recipes, and, nevertheless, they can significantly enhance the effectiveness of general therapy. Please also note that before using any product, you must consult with your doctor and discuss possible contraindications.
- Read about cataracts in children
The benefits of folk remedies for cataracts
Cataracts are one of the most dangerous eye diseases, which threatens, among other things, complete loss of vision. Therefore, in this case, it is important to take timely measures. There are many reviews about the traditional treatment of cataracts, according to which home therapy led to complete healing, but you need to understand that this works only in the initial stages of the disease. If the disease has already crossed the line, only drug treatment and/or surgery will help.
The benefit of folk remedies for cataracts is at least that this treatment is available to everyone. As you know, surgery to correct the lens is a very expensive matter, and since this disease most often occurs in older people who have limited budgets, the availability of alternative treatment is a very important advantage.
However, among other things, self-therapy has the following advantages:
- Naturalness and safety— in the preparation of home remedies, only natural ingredients are used, and this reduces the likelihood of complications, allergic reactions and other negative consequences when using them.
- General strengthening effect- since folk treatment of eye cataracts involves not only local recipes, but also various infusions, juices, decoctions for oral administration, then, in addition to improving vision, you can achieve a general strengthening of the immune system, since the products used, as a rule, are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.
- Reliability- unlike new-fangled drugs, folk recipes against cataracts have already been tested over the years and have helped many.
In addition, it is important to note that the advantages of home therapy are accessibility not only financially, but also in time - often medications are literally available at hand, and you do not need to take the time to go to the pharmacy to start treatment.
Contraindications for traditional treatment of cataracts
And, nevertheless, with traditional methods of treating cataracts, not everything is so simple. Often the problem is that a person begins to resort to them completely thoughtlessly, keeping in mind that natural and natural cannot be harmful, but there is always the possibility of individual intolerance to the components!
This means that home remedies, just like medications, although less likely, can cause allergies. When it comes to such a sensitive area as the eyes, this feature becomes of utmost importance, because it is possible not only not to improve, but, on the contrary, to worsen vision. Therefore, use only proven mild remedies, nothing radical.
However, even for mild-acting products, a preliminary sensitivity test on a delicate area is required - for example, in the area of the elbow. Apply a small amount of the product that you want to use to treat the eyes, maybe even in a higher concentration, because the eyes are the most sensitive area, and therefore what is well tolerated by another delicate area may be irritating for the eyes. Leave the product on for 10-20 minutes, then rinse it off and evaluate the reaction within 24 hours - if no unpleasant symptoms arise, you can use it for treatment.
Separately, we should consider the contraindications of folk remedies for the treatment of cataracts for internal use. In this case, the person’s medical history is of great importance, that is, the presence of certain concomitant diseases. If you have diseases of the digestive system and/or others that require a therapeutic diet, be sure to consult not only an ophthalmologist, but also another specialized specialist before starting therapy.
Also pay attention to the fact that not all natural components are compatible, and therefore either do not combine many products in a treatment regimen, or first study how certain products relate to each other - otherwise there will be more harm than good.
In addition, never violate the dosage in prescriptions in order to increase efficiency, the therapy will not go faster, but the body may suffer.
Rules for traditional treatment of cataracts
So, if you decide to treat cataracts with folk remedies without surgery, pay attention to specific recommendations, the main one of which is that the therapy should be comprehensive and include:
- External use: drops, compresses. Drops are prepared from soft ingredients; honey and aloe juice are often used. Instill several times a day. To apply a compress, prepare special infusions, decoctions, and vitamin mixtures, carefully soak cotton pads with them and apply them to the eyes.
- Recipes for internal use: decoctions, infusions, tinctures, juices. Here we are faced with a huge variety of ingredients, but the most effective are the popularly known eye helpers - carrots and blueberries, as well as various anti-inflammatory herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage, green tea, etc. The products are prepared by infusing boiling water or alcohol/vodka.
- Special gymnastics. It involves a set of exercises that significantly improve the functioning of the eye muscles and help fight the disease. The exercises are simple and straightforward, some of them may require improvised means.
Traditional methods of treating cataracts should be complemented by a general lifestyle change. It is important to cleanse your diet as much as possible from harmful foods. The basis of the menu is light protein components (poultry, fish, eggs), cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts, dried fruits. Pay special attention to foods high in antioxidants - vitamins A, C, E, lutein; vitamin B2 is also valuable for the treatment of cataracts.
It would be appropriate to add a specialized complex of vitamins for vision to your diet and, in general, take better care of your eyes - watch less TV, take breaks from reading, protect yourself from bright light.
Recipes for external use for cataracts
Drops are one of the most effective traditional medicine against cataracts, but they also require the most careful selection, since they come into direct contact with the mucous membrane - the recipe must be both proven and reliable, but at the same time safe.
The most effective drops for cataracts:
- Aloe and honey. Melt the honey if it has thickened. For this recipe, use only natural honey! Squeeze out aloe juice by crushing the stem of the plant, placing it in cheesecloth and squeezing out the healing liquid. If you don’t have a plant at home, you can purchase ready-made juice at a pharmacy. Combine the prepared components in a ratio of 1:3, that is, take 3 parts honey for 1 part aloe. The product is dripped to treat cataracts at home, 2 drops every day before bed.
- Honey and apple. Take a large apple, cut it in half, cut out the core. Melt the honey and pour it into the core. Cover the apple with gauze and leave in a dark place for 2 days. Then add 2 drops of honey soaked in apple juice 2-3 times a day.
- Honey and onions. Very effective drops, but in order for them not to cause harm, it is important to prepare them correctly. Finely chop the onion (3 tbsp), pour boiling water (1 cup), when the mixture has almost cooled, add honey (1 tsp), mix well so that the latter dissolves. Strain the medicine, pour into a dark glass bottle, and store at room temperature. Take 1 drop before bed.
- Aloe in its purest form. Pour aloe juice into a dark bottle, put it in a cool place for 2 weeks, then dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10, drop 2 drops 2 times a day.
- Aloe and mumiyo. Aloe juice, again, needs to be kept in a dark place for a couple of weeks, then diluted with water 1:5 and added a grain of mummy. Apply 1 drop twice a day.
The second step in effective folk treatment for cataracts is compresses, let's look at a few of the most effective and proven ones:
- Chamomile. Pour boiling water (1 glass) over chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon), close the lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. Cool the infusion, soak cotton pads in it, apply it to your eyes - use three times a day, leave for 10-15 minutes.
- Blueberries, beets, carrots. Squeeze the juice from the indicated products and mix in equal parts. Soak cotton pads in vitamin juice, apply to eyes for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure twice a day. By the way, you can also drink this mixture orally, 150 ml per day.
- Potato. To treat cataracts at home, grate raw potatoes, wrap in gauze, lightly squeeze out the juice and apply the gauze to your eyes. Apply the compress 4-5 times a day, leave for 10 minutes.
- Dill. Wrap dill seeds in natural fabric or special small canvas bags, tie them up, and put them in a glass of hot water for half an hour. Take out the bags, cool if they are hot, and apply to your eyes for 20 minutes, do the procedure once a day.
- Castor oil. For home treatment of cataracts, soak the gauze well with castor oil, apply it to the eyes for 2 hours, perform the procedure once a day.
Folk remedies for internal use against cataracts
As you know, a strong body can resist any disease much more effectively than a weak one, and therefore the treatment of all diseases should be accompanied by taking means to boost immunity. Here are a few that are effective:
- Potato tincture. Chop potato sprouts (1 tablespoon), pour vodka (1 glass), leave in a dark place for a week. Drink 1 tbsp. three times a day before meals.
- Healing calendula. Take calendula flowers (3 tsp), pour boiling water (2 cups), leave under a closed lid for at least 2 hours, then strain and cool. For home treatment of cataracts, drink half a glass of infusion per day, either at once or in divided doses. It is not necessary to tie it to meals.
- Complex remedy of leaves and cloves. Take the following components in equal parts: currant leaf, blueberry leaf, lingonberry leaf, chop, pour boiling water at the rate of 200 ml per 1 tbsp. collection Add cloves, again, 200 ml - 3 flowers. Infuse the medicine for 3 hours, strain and drink half a glass a day on an empty stomach, the full portion at once.
- Thyme and honey. Thyme (100 g) - it is advisable to take fresh herb - rinse well and dry. Pour liquid honey (500 ml), close the lid and leave for a week. Take a vitamin mixture for the treatment of cataracts at home, 20 g three times a day, regardless of meals.
- carrot juice. Squeeze carrot juice (100 ml), parsley juice (10 g), mix and add water (100 ml), drink the resulting amount three times a day before meals. Try to prepare fresh juice every time, since vitamins are lost from it very quickly.
Don’t forget about other methods of boosting your immunity - eat right, get enough sleep, exercise, and protect yourself from stress.
Gymnastics for eyes with cataracts
Another important method for treating cataracts at home is performing eye exercises. The following exercises are most effective in the treatment of this ophthalmological disease:
- Left/right. Keep your head straight, move your eyes without turning your head left and right. Repeat 15-25 times in each direction.
- Item tracking. Take a bright object in your hands, stretch it in front of you and draw numbers with it, watching every movement. The exercise is performed once, starting with the number 1 and ending with 10.
- Zoom in/out. Take a simple pencil or pen - bring and remove the object to/from your nose, constantly monitor it. Repeat 10 times forward and backward.
- Dahl. The exercise is performed like this: you need to find an object in the distance that has many small details and look at it for 3 minutes.
Exercises for home treatment of cataracts can be performed several times a day, it is especially important to do them after a long period of concentration on one subject, for example, after watching a television show or reading a book.
A contrast bath also “trains” the eyes well. You need to take two small basins with cold and warm water. First, the face is immersed in cold water, the eyes should be opened under water, moved in different directions, rotated, then closed, and the eyelids should be massaged with rotating movements. Then repeat the same steps in warm water, and then again in cold water. After the procedures, you need to give your eyes a rest, keep them closed for 3-5 minutes.
Real reviews about home treatment for cataracts
There are quite a lot of reviews about folk remedies for treating cataracts on the Internet, but it must be emphasized once again that self-therapy is allowed only if the disease is “caught” at the initial stage. If the situation has already started, it is better to immediately contact a specialist to prescribe medication or surgery. However, even at the initial stage, we recommend consulting with a doctor so that he can help you choose effective and safe folk remedies specifically for you. It is worth saying that such advice can often be found among reviews of those cured by using folk remedies for the treatment of cataracts. A few of the most revealing comments.
Vera, 57 years old
The doctor diagnosed cataracts, which, of course, greatly upset me; my grandmother became blind from it. However, the doctor reassured me, said that I was great for contacting me at an early stage, and explained that for now everything can be corrected in innocent ways. The treatment was simple, but extensive - I changed my diet, had a lot of greens and vegetables, constantly did gymnastics, a simple massage, drank tinctures for immunity, and instilled aloe. She did everything honestly! As a result, the disease was dealt with without medications and, especially, without surgery!
Anastasia Pavlovna, 61 years old
I treated my husband for cataracts. There was nothing to be done with him, there was no way to get him to the doctors, but I realized that his vision had deteriorated by watching. So she gave me an ultimatum - but I went to the doctor, they diagnosed us with cataracts, but she flatly refused to do treatment. Somehow I persuaded her to use folk remedies for the treatment of cataracts - they dripped onion drops, drank infusions, decoctions, tried to make carrot juices with berries and parsley, in general, I stuffed them as best I could. It seems to have gotten better - I’m checking it with my own methods, the fog in my eyes has cleared, but I need to maintain the treatment constantly.
Andrey, 48 years old
Eye problems started early, the work was dusty. I went to the doctor - cataracts. Thank God, I visited the ophthalmologist often, and therefore they discovered the disease at an early stage, so nothing drastic was prescribed. The main thing is several recipes for folk drops, necessarily gymnastics and herbal compresses. The situation improved quickly, but gymnastics and compresses remained for prevention. The doctor warned: if there is any deterioration, then there will be surgery right away, so I’m not shying away!
Video on how to cure cataracts at home:
![Traditional treatment of cataracts: benefits, harm, recipes, reviews (English)](/assets/images/psdpost/dmtlg/narodnoe-lechenie-katarakty-EdDCa.webp)