Boils, Bones, Boils, Carbuncles

Abscesses most often result from a splinter or dirt caught in a scratch. The splinter must be removed immediately and the wound must be washed with manganese or boric acid. And if an abscess has already begun to appear, then apply one of the following measures:

  1. Tie fresh grated red beets to the abscess: the abscess will either resolve or ripen quickly.

  2. Apply an ointment made from honey, flour and mashed baked onions or at least one baked onion.

  3. Keep in hot soapy water for 20 minutes or in hot water with soda (a teaspoon per glass of water).

When the abscess breaks, you need to carefully squeeze it out with clean hands, rinse it with a solution of manganese or boric acid, and then apply a warm compress from a soda solution to the wound for another 2 days to draw out the remaining pus.

If an abscess has formed on the finger, especially near the nail, and has broken through, but the wound stubbornly does not heal, then this indicates that a lot of dead tendons have formed in the finger, which gradually begin to come out in the form of hairs - this is the beginning of a caries.

To help the tendons come out easier, you need to keep your finger in water with soda for several minutes 2 times a day. If the inflammation goes far into the depths of the finger, then necrosis of the third articular bone of the finger may occur, which then comes out with pus. Therefore, if you have a caries beetle, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Boils come from dirt, exhaustion and heat. It's a pimple with a yellowish-green dot in the middle. At first the tumor around it is soft, then hardens. When the boil matures, it bursts and pus comes out with pieces of dead tissue.

You should never crush a boil, but only help it mature and wait until it bursts. To do this, apply a warm compress of soda or apply ichthyol.

Carbuncles are the connection of several boils together. They most often occur on the neck and require medical attention and observation, as well as an injection of penicillin.

Home remedies for boils, abscesses, pimples:

  1. Drink dry brewer's yeast.

  2. Apply grated raw red beets with sour cream.

  3. Tie a rag soaked in castor oil.

  4. Drink freshly brewed hop yeast.