Runny nose Fetid

A runny nose (ozaena) is an unpleasant bacterial infection in the nose and sinuses that causes inflammation and the formation of purulent nasal discharge. It can also lead to bad breath as bacteria are converted into toxic substances that cause stench.

Symptoms of a foul-smelling runny nose include:

- Discharge and accumulation of purulent discharge - Redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa - Difficulty breathing through the nose - Nosebleeds - Purulent discharge may be green or yellow in color, and some patients experience a bitter or bloody discharge. - Possible complications may include otitis media and chronic sinusitis.

To prevent a runny nose and a foul smell, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the nasal cavity and breathing. This includes frequent hand washing, using nasal wipes, and avoiding contact with infection. If you still have a runny nose, you should seek medical help and follow your doctor’s recommendations for treatment and prevention.

A runny nose is a very common illness that can be caused by various reasons such as allergies, viruses or bacteria. To prevent this type of runny nose, you need to monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity and nasopharynx. It is also important to eat right, treat chronic diseases in a timely manner and quit smoking.