
The nasoorbital zone (or nasoorbital area) is the area around the orbit of the eye that is in close proximity to the nose. This area is very important for human health and well-being as it contains many sensitive and important structures such as the lacrimal sac, nasal cavity, sinuses and others.

The nasoorbital region is of great importance for the proper functioning of these structures. Tears, which are produced in the lacrimal gland at the bottom of the eyeball, must be properly distributed over the surface of the eye and removed through the tear duct. However, the tear duct passes through the nasoorbital region, and if this area is blocked or inflamed, it can lead to dysfunction of the tear gland and the formation of tear plugs.

In addition, the nasoorbital region also contains many nerve endings and blood vessels that provide nutrition and protection to the nose, sinuses, lacrimal sac, and other structures. Any problems in this area can lead to inflammation, infection, or other problems that can affect a person's health and well-being.

Thus, the nasoorbital region is an important area for human health and functioning, and its health should be carefully protected. This includes regularly cleaning and caring for the area, avoiding infections and inflammation, and calling a doctor if there are any problems or symptoms.

The nasoorbital system is the anatomical region of the human face, including the orbits of the eyes and lacrimal sac, the upper part of the nasal septum, the outer membrane of the nose and the upper jaw. Sometimes the components of the nasoorbit include the surrounding skin, adjacent muscles and bones, and