Sodium Chromate Labeled with Chromium-51

Sodium Chromate Labeled Chromium -51 is a medicine that is used to treat skin conditions. This product contains the radioactive isotope chromium-51, which is a powerful germicidal agent and can be used to combat various bacterial skin infections.

Sodium in Chromant, Labeled Chrome -51 is contained in sufficient quantities and is not radioactive. This drug uses radioactive chromium-53, which has a nuclear life cycle of 22 minutes, making it a very useful tool in the medical industry.

When used to treat skin, the drug directly binds to the mitochondria of bacteria, which are located in their cell membrane. This leads to the death of the bacteria, and therefore the cure of the skin infection. In addition, the drug has a bactericidal effect, helping to destroy any remaining bacteria and prevent re-infection.

Due to the high efficiency and safety of Tagged Chro