Sodium Lactate

Sodium lactate - international name and history.

Elevated sodium levels in the blood may be a sign of what disease? Most often, lactoacetate syndrome occurs in newborns during the period of their adaptation to a new environment for them: this is often associated with premature birth or frequent excesses in the functioning of the intestines, when it cannot cope with the digestion of food waste. In some cases, the accumulation of elevated sodium concentrations in the serum appears after certain diseases and pathologies. The most common causes are decreased liver function leading to impaired sodium metabolism, increased levels of aldosterone, which is an adrenal hormone, and decreased excretion of natriuretic hormone in the urine or from the blood serum. The second group of reasons is associated with pathologies of organs that are responsible for the accumulation and excretion of sodium. In particular, we are talking about reducing or stopping the natriuretic effect of the renal tubules. Another reason that leads to the appearance of lactoacetate intoxication in children is insufficient secretion of enzymes along with bile.