Natural eye cream

To prolong youth, reduce wrinkles and give the skin a glow, it is not at all necessary to resort to cosmetic tightening or lifting procedures. Eye cream can, in a short time without any additional products, improve turgor and normalize collagen synthesis in tissues. As a result, facial folds are smoothed out, the color of the epidermis is evened out and its density improves.

How to choose a good eye cream

When selecting cosmetic products, you need to take into account many factors: skin type, tendency to allergic reactions, properties of active ingredients. Based on this information, the pricing policy of the product, reviews and personal preferences, you can choose the ideal anti-wrinkle product.


Corrective eye cream

It is believed that the best eye cream must contain hyaluronic acid. It is a natural derivative of the body, hypoallergenic, and has a deep moisturizing and tightening effect. But the list of useful active substances used in cosmetics does not end with hyaluronic acid.

Active substances that are included in most effective eyelid wrinkle creams:

  1. Vitamin A. If you choose a product with retinol in its composition, you can be sure that your skin will be nourished and tightened. But this vitamin has an unpleasant feature: it causes peeling of the skin. Therefore, it is preferable to use a product that also contains tocopherol;
  2. Vitamin E. A gentle lifting ingredient that improves skin tone, reduces age spots and has moisturizing properties. Tocopherol is able to activate the production of collagen and elastane, but in the presence of deep wrinkles it is better if it is supplemented with amino acids;
  3. Seaweed extracts. Ideal ingredients for oily and problematic skin with high sensitivity. Thanks to the huge amount of minerals and essential acids in the composition, such products are used to nourish mature skin, lift eyelids, and moisturize the area under the eyes. Many kelp products are also known for their cooling properties;


  4. Essential and base oils. It is very important to nourish and moisturize the skin under the eyes well. Oil substances do an excellent job of both of these functions. Particularly popular are fatty extracts of rice, shea tree, cocoa, coconut, and olive. From essential oils you need to highlight barberry, passionflower, lemon;
  5. Plant extracts. Extracts from medicinal plants are great for dark circles under the eyes, dark spots, and fine wrinkles. Linen softens and smoothes the epidermis, passionflower normalizes metabolism and helps activate the production of collagen and elastane, ruscus is rich in unique nano-somas. In addition, extracts of chamomile, roses, rose hips, fruit plants, parsley, etc. are actively used;
  6. Animal products. Nowadays, products based on caviar, crushed pearls, honey, snail mucus and other similar components are very popular. Such preparations for wrinkles and for restoring elasticity are very expensive, because they often contain a minimum amount of preservatives and a maximum of natural ingredients;


    Pearl extract
  7. Synthetic compounds. These are all kinds of branded formulas. They can strengthen the tissue of the epidermis, improve its color and turgor and much more - depending on the purpose of the cream.

Naturally, these are not all possible components of eye creams, but most of these cosmetics are enriched with at least one of the listed ingredients.

Types of eye creams

Depending on the purpose, there are different types of eyelid creams:

Anti-aging. Aimed at strengthening fibers, activating the production of collagen and elastane, as well as protecting the skin. Helps improve nutrition and hydration. Some also provide enhanced nutrition. This is the eyelid restoration cream Vichy Liftactiv Yeux (Vichy), Evalar Laura, Eveline Cosmetics Argan Oil (Eveline), Holy Land Cosmetics Q10 Coenzyme Energizer Eye (Holy Land), Christian Dior Hydra Life Pro-Youth Sorbet (Dior), etc. d.;


For some reason, most women believe that they should start using eye cream after 35 years. They say that it is during this period that the elasticity and natural hydration of the skin in this area is lost, and it is necessary to nourish it. Cosmetologists assure: the sooner you start taking care, the longer you can maintain youth and avoid facial wrinkles. If you consciously take care of your skin from a young age, you can overcome your genetic predisposition to early aging.

It must be remembered that under the skin of the eyelids there is practically no subcutaneous fat, little muscle, the upper layer of the dermis is thin and sensitive to irritation, so an overly aggressive composition of cosmetic preparations can lead to allergies or inflammation. And you need to be as careful as possible in choosing the right product.

10 best eye creams











How to choose the right eye cream

Creams for the skin around the eyes, more than caring face creams, are saturated with active ingredients and, as a rule, are aimed at solving several problems. Therefore, before making a purchase, you need to understand what exactly we will be fighting with: crow’s feet, dark circles under the eyes, increased dry skin, age-related changes. Moreover, the modern beauty industry is ready to offer a rich selection with a wide range of active substances.

For the area around the eyes, the cream can be selected in the same way as for the face: day and night. Only the daytime one will be lighter and moisturizing, and the nighttime one will be nourishing, caring, with a large number of active ingredients.

1. Always pay attention to the age label on the packaging. Buy only the one that suits your age category. At the age of 25, there is no need to use an anti-aging product intended for those who have already crossed the 45 mark. At a young age, the ideal option is a gel-based cream that moisturizes the skin well.

At 30 - 40 years old, the skin already requires maintaining elasticity, giving firmness, nutrition and hydration, so you can already look towards products containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Cosmetologists recommend creams containing grape seed and avocado oils.

After 40 years, beauty experts advise placing creams with a lifting effect on your dressing table, which tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and even out the relief. Anti-age creams most often contain fruit acids, retinol, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and lipids.

2. The cream must undergo ophthalmological control; this information is always indicated on the label. And, of course, look at the expiration date. Often good creams “live” no more than 6 months after opening due to the content of fewer irritating preservatives and more natural ingredients.

3. It is better not to apply too greasy creams at night - this can lead to swelling. This is because the oily texture forms a film on the skin. A greenhouse effect occurs, which causes the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues.

How to apply eye cream correctly

First you need to cleanse your skin and thoroughly remove traces of makeup. Important: the eyelid product is used after the serum and concentrate, but strictly before the face cream.

  1. You shouldn’t squeeze a lot of cream out of the tube; one pea-sized drop is enough.

Any cream or gel on the skin spreads within a radius of about 1 cm. When we apply the cream close to the eyelashes, it reaches the eyelash contour and into the eye itself. Because of this, irritation or swelling occurs, so the product must be applied to the orbital bones, and in no case to the mobile upper eyelid or to the bags under the eyes. The cream is applied around the protruding bone in a circular motion, starting from the temple to the bridge of the nose.

It is better to apply the cream with your ring finger; cosmetologists say that only it performs movements of minimal force. You need to act carefully so as not to stretch the thin skin. Do not rub in under any circumstances!

You need to use the cream 2-3 hours before bedtime so that there is no swelling or edema in the morning.

What composition should be in an eye cream?

  1. Vitamins of group K. They are an excellent antioxidant that retain moisture in the cells of the dermis and help make bruises under the eyes less noticeable, and strengthens capillaries well.
  1. Tea extracts. Another effective antioxidant with long-lasting anti-inflammatory effects.

Coenzyme Q10 controls the energy production of cells and protects the skin from sunburn.

Hyaluronic acid. Restores the skin well and strengthens the protective function of the skin.

Cornflower hydrolate. Reduces dark circles, relieves puffiness and inflammation, affects small wrinkles.

Ceramides. Fights skin dehydration. Softens and improves skin elasticity.

Peptides are essential fighters against fine wrinkles and promote the production of collagen and elastin.

Herbal extracts: chamomile, tea, cucumber, calendula. These components have a soothing effect on the surface of the skin.

Kinetin delays the appearance of wrinkles and prevents skin pigmentation. Jojoba, grape seed, apricot, almond, and avocado oils nourish the hydrolipid layer well.

Hydroxic acids remove the surface layer of dead skin cells and speed up the process of the appearance of a new layer of skin. But in combination with this substance, the composition must include a sunscreen.

Copper peptides enhance the effect of antioxidants and stimulate the process of producing your own collagen.

Updated: April 5, 2019

Thin and delicate eyelid skin is susceptible to premature aging. In order to prevent this process, it needs to be looked after carefully and daily. To do this, it is better to use natural face creams that you prepare yourself. The ingredients of these formulations are natural and will bring much more benefits to delicate skin.

Rules for applying the product

According to dermatologists, oily skin, which causes many problems at a young age, is a gift in adulthood. Since the sebaceous glands are very active, the skin is moisturized without external help, which is the result of slow aging, which cannot be said about dry epidermis.

But this fact does not apply to the skin of the eyelids, since there are practically no sebaceous glands in it. The elasticity of the epidermis in this case is supported by collagen, which becomes scarce with age. The skin around the eyes does not adhere to the bones and therefore wrinkles associated with facial expressions appear on it very quickly.

Not only correctly selected cosmetics can provide proper care for the skin of the eyelids, but also the technique of applying the products.

The skin care system around the eyes is as follows:

  1. The skin needs to be thoroughly cleansed. It is unacceptable to apply cream to skin with makeup residues. First, you should wash your face with warm water and soap or milk. If there are any remnants of mascara or eye shadow on the skin, remove them with a special solution. Already when performing these actions, movements should be smooth and soft. After washing, the skin is not dried, but gently blotted with a towel. Rubbing your eyelids is strictly prohibited.
  2. Apply tonic. One of the important stages in maintaining the elasticity of the epidermis is tonification. This care product contains special components that tone the delicate skin of the eyelids, moisturize and nourish. Apply the product to both eyelids using patting movements with your fingers.
  3. Don't use too much cream. To care for your eyelids, a pea-sized amount of cream is enough, which is squeezed onto your ring finger. Why not the index finger? Everything is very simple, it interacts less with surfaces, unlike the index finger, and the skin on it is much softer.
  4. Warm up the composition. To do this, rub the cream a little between your thumb and ring finger. It is worth remembering that heated cream will be absorbed into the skin faster and penetrate deeper. You cannot store cosmetics in the refrigerator, since until the cream reaches the skin temperature, it will not be accepted by it.
  5. Apply the cream to your eyelids and spread using tapping movements with your fingertips. Along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and along the lower eyelid in the opposite direction. Movements should be gentle and smooth. Continue until the composition is completely absorbed.

By producing measured, rhythmic pats, they not only help the cream to be absorbed, but also massage the area around the eyes, which increases skin elasticity and protects against swelling.

Homemade eye cream, recipes

All natural eye creams, made independently bring maximum effect in two cases: strict adherence to the recipe and small portions.

The shelf life of natural compositions is very short, so you need to prepare no more than 20 grams at a time.

Let's look at several recipes for eye creams with different effects on the epidermis.

Vitamin oil

To prepare this useful composition you will need:

  1. Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l;
  2. Vitamin E oil solution – 3 drops;
  3. retinol acetate – 3 drops.

Mix all ingredients and use morning and evening to moisturize the epidermis. You need to apply a small amount of the product; if the skin continues to shine after half an hour, then you just need to blot it with a cotton pad or napkin.

Olive oil can be replaced with other basic components that help maintain the skin around the eyes in tone, for example oil:

  1. almonds;
  2. peach;
  3. wheat germ and so on.

Store in a closed container.

Anti-aging cream

Compound will help fight expression wrinkles in adulthood. To prepare it you should take:

  1. crushed rose petals - 2 tbsp. l, can be replaced with jasmine, rosehip or lily of the valley flowers);
  2. butter – 1 tbsp. l;
  3. yolk – 1 pc.

Mix all ingredients well until smooth and apply to the skin around the eyes before bed. There is no need to wash off the cream. Store for no more than a week in the refrigerator.

Important! Before use, test for an allergic reaction.

To prevent wrinkles on the skin from appearing too early, you can use cosmetic oils by applying them to your eyelids twice a day, after washing your face. Oils that work well:

  1. rosehip;
  2. almonds;
  3. wheat germ;
  4. grape seed;
  5. olives;
  6. apricot kernels.

They can be used either separately or in a blend.

Softening cream

Softening compounds used for severe dry skin, while they smooth out small wrinkles. To prepare, prepare:

  1. lecithin – 0.5 tsp;
  2. pink lotion – 2 tbsp. l;
  3. lanolin – 1 tsp;
  4. almond oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Dissolve lecithin in lotion.
  2. Combine lanolin with oil.
  3. Combine the two resulting compositions.
  4. Place the bowl with the mixture in a water bath and heat with constant stirring.
  5. Beat the mixture with a fork for a few minutes.
  6. Let cool.

Apply at night to the epidermis around the eyes.

Against crow's feet

For this cream you need to take the following oils:

  1. grape seed, basic;
  2. essential oil of verbena, rosemary, geranium.

The base oil can be replaced with olive or peach oil, three drops of the above-described products are added to it, and everything is mixed. The resulting mixture is carefully driven into the lower and upper eyelids before going to bed.

For mature skin

This cream contains a lot of ingredients, but the effect of its use is very noticeable. It is not difficult to prepare such a cream, since all its components can be purchased at a cosmetic store or pharmacy.

To prepare the composition you need to take:

  1. Basic, natural oils:
  1. castor oil - 1 tsp;
  2. kiwi – 1 tsp;
  3. pomegranate seeds - 1 tbsp.
  1. Essential oils:
  1. sandalwood – 2 drops;
  2. carrots – 3 k;
  3. nutmeg – 1 drops.
  1. Parsley infusion with avocado and jojoba oil – 1 ml.
  2. Emulsifier – 1 ml.
  3. Water base:
  1. pink hydrolate – 5.5 ml;
  2. cornflower blue hydrolate – 8 ml.
  1. Additives:
  1. red grape extract – 0.6 ml;
  2. brown algae extract – 1 tsp;
  3. 1/2 capsule of aevit;
  4. silk peptides – 1 tsp;
  5. hyaluronic acid – 0.1 ml;
  6. sericite – 0.2 ml;
  7. paraben preservative – 0.12 ml.

You need to prepare using the following technology:

  1. Pour cornflower hydrosol and hyaluronic acid into a small glass container, stir until smooth and leave to swell.
  2. Add all the additives according to the recipe to the mixture and mix.
  3. Prepare a water base consisting of rose and cornflower blue hydrolate, which should be shaken thoroughly.
  4. Mix the following ingredients in a separate cup. Add parsley infusion and pomegranate oil to the castor oil, mix everything and pour in the emulsifier.
  5. Combine the water base with oils and place in a water bath. Heat with constant stirring until the emulsifier is completely dissolved. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from heat, put to cool in cold water, while continuing to actively stir, stirring with a miniature mixer or whisk until completely thickened.
  6. Transfer the cream into a jar, add the mixture prepared first, then add essential oils and preservative, mix.
  7. At the last stage, sericite is added.

Homemade anti-aging composition is ready.

Top - the best natural creams for the skin around the eyes

To ensure that the skin around the eyes remains healthy and young for a long time, there are many products for its care. Let's figure it out which creams should be used: rating of creams for the skin around the eyes, compiled by the opinions of customers:

Probiotic cream Microlysis with lysates of Micrococcus bacteria

These are Russian cosmetics produced in Novosibirsk. Many buyers highly appreciate the effect of this cream. Sold in a 30 gram tube, this is enough for long-term eyelid skin care. The product has the following positive effects:

  1. eliminates dark circles and swelling;
  2. the thin skin of the eyelids receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and with prolonged use its condition noticeably improves;
  3. hypoallergenic cream;
  4. completely natural composition;
  5. Thanks to its light consistency, it is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen;
  6. affordable price.

Aquatel eye cream

This cream has collected a lot of positive reviews due to its advantages:

  1. quickly and efficiently moisturizes the epidermis;
  2. circles under the eyes become much smaller and disappear completely with prolonged use;
  3. absorbs quickly and has a soft, pleasant consistency;
  4. does not cause allergic reactions;
  5. moisturizes, nourishes and refreshes dry skin after the first use;
  6. has a pleasant aroma and low cost.

Kleona Butter with parsley

Oil-based cream made in Russia. The composition is packaged in a bottle with a dispenser and has the following positive characteristics:

  1. moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis around the eyes;
  2. lightens dark circles and reduces swelling;
  3. can be applied at night, as it does not cause swelling in the morning;
  4. composition 100% natural;
  5. contains parsley, which is a natural lightener;
  6. contains vitamins E and A;
  7. inexpensive and economical to use.

To care for the skin of your eyelids, you can not only buy cream in the store, but prepare it yourself from natural ingredients. When purchasing, do not pay attention to inexpensive products of dubious production, this can only cause harm.