Negativism Speech

Speech negativism is one of the most common forms of manifestation of a negative attitude towards an interlocutor. It manifests itself in refusal to answer a question asked or in answers that are not related to the question asked.

Verbal negativism can be caused by various reasons, such as reluctance to discuss the topic, lack of information, or negative experiences with other people. However, regardless of the reason, verbal negativism can lead to conflict and deterioration of relations between interlocutors.

To avoid verbal negativism, you need to watch your words and answers. If you feel that you cannot answer a question, it is better to be honest about it and offer an alternative option. It is also important to remember that every person has the right to their opinion and should not impose their point of view on others.

In addition, it is important to respect other people’s opinions and not allow offensive statements addressed to the interlocutor. Instead, you can try to understand the other person's point of view and find a compromise solution.

In general, verbal negativism is a problem that can be solved if you show respect to your interlocutor and monitor your answers. This will help avoid conflicts and improve relationships between people.

A negative speech act (speech negativism) is one of the types of speech acts, which is a refusal to perform a given action or in response to a asked question. It implies a refusal to communicate.

Speech negativism can take several forms:

1. Form of refusal: By using the words “yes”, “no” or corresponding modal verbs expressing consent to the action, the person himself refuses the promise. 2. Form of disagreement: By answering not the question itself, but different parts of it and adding new unnecessary clarifications, the interlocutor gives too much information for correct interpretation and thereby prevents understanding of his position.