
Neupogen is a drug that belongs to the group of hematopoiesis stimulants. It is used to treat patients with neutropenia (neutrophil deficiency) and other diseases associated with hematopoietic disorders.

In medicine, Neupogen is used as an immunosuppressant, that is, a drug that suppresses the body's immune response in order to prevent the proliferation of biological tissues. The pharmacokinetic properties of this drug make it possible to use Neupogen to increase protective properties in the cytostatic therapy of malignant tumors and in preparation for bone marrow transplantation.

The manufacturer of the drug Neupogen is the Swiss company Hoffmann-La Roche. Release form: solution for intravenous injection. This drug was synthesized by specialists from Switzerland about forty years ago. Scientists have combined five human growth hormone peptides with a human formulation to prevent demyelination of nerve fibers and suppress tumor growth. The invention is considered a breakthrough and has received more than 50 patents. Clinical trials have allowed us to evaluate Neupogen as a substrate for stimulating immune cells and repairing damaged tissue.

The main indications for the use of the drug are the following conditions: - neutropenia (congenital, periodic or malignant); - fetal neutropenia; - prevention and treatment of infectious diseases that develop against the background of a defect in the immune system; - cystosito