
NeuroleptAnalGesia as a modern method of anesthesia and pain relief in modern medical practice

NeuroleptanalGesia is a relatively new method of pain relief, based on the use of a combination of drugs from the group of antipsychotics (namely, phenothiazine derivatives) and analgesics (for example, opioids). Neuroleptoanalgesia is usually prescribed to patients with severe and acute pain or to patients who cannot be effectively treated for pain with conventional methods.

One of the main advantages of NeuroleptANALGesia is its fast and effective action, which can last up to several hours. This is achieved by increasing the production of endogenous opioid peptides (enkephalin), which help suppress pain. In addition, antipsychotics can reduce psychomotor agitation, which also contributes to pain relief.

However, there are some limitations to using this pain relief method in some cases. Neuroleptics Analgesia is not recommended for patients with allergies to phenothiazine derivatives or analgesics, as this may lead to serious side effects. It is also important to consider the possible side effects associated with the use of these types of drugs, such as respiratory depression, constipation, dry mouth and loss of coordination. Therefore, this technique can only be effective in the hands of experienced doctors who assess the risks and benefits of treatment for each patient individually.

In addition, it is worth remembering that pain treatment also includes