Neuron Basket

The neurons of the basket nucleus are complex multineuron circuits that lie in the upper part of the spinal cord. These cells play an important role in the control of movements such as maintaining balance, eye-hand coordination, and in controlling muscle movement and tone. Many experts believe that the destruction of basket neurons leads to impaired coordination of movements and, as a result, to deterioration of balance and loss of the ability to move independently. There are several reasons why the cerebral cortex can be destroyed: stroke (blood vessel thrombosis), tumors, infections or brain injury. Overall, research shows that pars basket neurons play an important role in many brain functions and may be vital for maintaining the health of patients, especially in the case of developing diseases of the central nervous system. Although the neurons of the basket region of the cerebral cortex still remain poorly understood, there are many studies that attempt to understand their function and role in the development and maintenance of motor and cognitive functions.

Basket neurons are a type of basket-shaped nerve cell located in the white matter of the brain and also in the spinal cord. These cells play an important role in the transmission and processing of information in the brain, providing communication between its different parts.

Basket-shaped neurons were first discovered in the 19th century by the German anatomist Hans Karl Kinker. However, their true meaning was revealed only several decades later. In 1965, Michael P. Hodgkin and Edgar D. Hubel proved that these cells are responsible for transmitting information from one neuron to another.

Basket neurons have a special shape that allows for better connections between them and other cells in the brain. They are arranged in knotty, basket-like structures, which gives them the name “basket-like.” At the tops of these nodes there are small plates called dendrites (from the Greek dendron - tree), which are in contact with the axons (from the Greek axon - nerve) of other neurons. Axons of basket neurons connect to a large number of neurons in the brain