Некрофилия (Necrophilism, Necrophilia)

Necrophilia is a mental health disorder that is characterized by a pathological desire for sexual contact with corpses or dead bodies. Necrophiliacs are considered homosexuals, but this assumption is incorrect: the pathological attraction to corpses does not depend on sexual orientation. Of course, men and women have their own sexual preferences, but these differences should not be generalized to all people, including necrophiliacs. Most scientists and psychoanalysts believe that necrophilia is a specific personality disorder.

The causes of necrophilia can be different: when a person finds himself in a situation where he cannot love living beings, he switches to the perception of dead flesh. According to the theory of Wilhelm Reich, the reason for necrophilic behavior lies in the fact that a person strives to freeze and, thereby, be indistinguishable from the object of his attention. This attitude towards the corpse is manifested in the expression of love not only for the female body, but also for the male one. Necrophilia has several important aspects: firstly, bodies, as inanimate objects, are perceived as close to a person: in necrophilic sexuality one can distinguish an element of caring, a kind of fetishization. On the other hand, necro

Necrophilia is a sexual orientation that does not involve using a living person as a partner. In fact, necrophiliacs prefer to use only the corpse body in sex practices.

There is a possibility that the first necrophile was a ruler of the 18th century. He had sex with his own corpse after he lost his wife and daughter. This is not a fact, but many researchers believe that such a phenomenon occurs once every hundred years. Necrophiles can be divided into several types. These can be men or women who experience arousal from corpses. There are also people who try to conquer the corpse, to get closer to it.

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Title: Necrophilism (Necrophilia): Study of the pathological desire for sexual contact with corpses


Necrophilia, also known as necrophilism or necrophilism, is a rare and strange sexual perversion characterized by a pathological desire for sexual contact with corpses. The condition is shocking and disgusting to most people and is widely condemned by society. In this article we will look at necrophilia from a medical and psychological point of view, and also discuss it in the context of sexual perversion.

Necrophilia: definition and characteristics

Necrophilia is defined as a pathological desire for sexual contact with corpses. People who experience necrophilia are known as necrophiliacs. This condition can manifest itself in various forms, including fantasizing about sex with corpses, observing the process of decomposition, or actively engaging in sexual acts with corpses. Often necrophiles seek access to corpses through work in the burial industry, medical institutions, or involvement in crimes.

Causes and risk factors

The reasons leading to the development of necrophilia are not fully understood. However, there are several factors that may contribute to the development of this deviant sexual behavior. Some studies indicate a possible link between necrophilia and certain mental disorders, such as psychopathy or the sadistic personality trait. There is also an assumption that sexual fantasies and a predisposition to violence may play a role in the formation of necrophilic tendencies.

Medical and psychological aspects

Necrophilia is considered a mental disorder and is commonly included in diagnostic manuals such as the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Necrophilia can be classified as a form of paraphilia - abnormal sexual behavior. Like other paraphilias, necrophilia can cause serious problems in the personal lives and interpersonal relationships of necrophiliacs.

Public reaction and legal aspects

Necrophilia causes strong disgust and negative reaction in society. Most people view this behavior as morally unacceptable and illegal. Laws regarding necrophilia vary between jurisdictions, but in most countries, sexual acts with corpses are a crime.

It should be noted that necrophilia also poses a serious threat to public health and safety. Necrophiles may violate coffins and graves to satisfy their perverted needs. This behavior not only causes pain and suffering to the families of the deceased, but also violates public order and respect for the deceased.

Treatment and rehabilitation

Necrophilia is a complex and poorly understood disorder, and effective treatments have not yet been fully identified. However, psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to work with individuals suffering from necrophilia. The goal of such treatment is to understand and change the thought distortions, emotional reactions and sexual preferences of necrophiles.


Necrophilia is a rare and deviant sexual perversion that causes strong disgust and condemnation in society. This pathological desire for sexual contact with corpses requires further study and understanding. Effective treatments and rehabilitation for necrophilia must be developed to help those suffering from this disorder. At the same time, education and prevention efforts need to continue to create awareness in society and prevent the spread of necrophilia.