Necrosis Dry

**Dry necrosis** is the necrosis and destruction of cells under the influence of various factors: physical, chemical or infectious.

The dry form of necrosis is caused by dehydration and lack of nutrients in the tissues. It can be caused by various reasons, for example, burns, frostbite, trauma, surgery

Dry necrosis is a pathological condition characterized by necrosis (necrosis) of an area of ​​skin and/or mucous membranes due to impaired blood supply, ischemia or mechanical trauma. Necrosis can be a consequence of various diseases, including cardiovascular, endocrine, infectious and traumatic.

Symptoms of dry necrosis may include dryness, flaking, itchy rashes, bleeding, discomfort and soreness. In severe cases, dry skin necrosis can lead to cracks, ulcers and skin peeling. Treatment for dry necrosis depends on the cause and may include the use of ointments, creams, rinses, and medications to improve blood circulation in the affected areas.

The cause of dry necrosis can be a violation of blood flow caused by various factors. For example, the cause may be prolonged standing or staying in one position, prolonged exposure to cold or, conversely, intense heat, exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Often the cause is improper skin care, allergies to cosmetics or household allergens. There are many reasons for a dry and weeping wound, but they are all similar in one way - the upper layers of the skin are affected first, and the area of ​​necrosis begins to heal with scars over time. That is why it is important to consult a doctor as early as possible, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.