Unpleasant people make our brain slow down

How we communicate, who we communicate with, and how we perceive the people around us can all affect our brains. American scientists conducted a study that showed that unpleasant people can have an extremely negative effect on brain processes.

The study showed that when communicating with unpleasant people, inhibition processes occur in the brain. Specifically, processes in the part of the brain that is responsible for motor skills slow down. This can cause us to exhibit less flexible and effective behavior.

In addition, previous studies have shown that people are more empathetic to those interlocutors who are similar in appearance to them. This is because interpersonal relationships and social factors influence how the human brain can process visual information.

Thus, choosing a company can have a profound impact on our brains and our ability to act effectively. If we want to maintain flexibility and effectiveness in our behavior, it is worth paying attention to who we communicate with and how we interact with the people around us.