Intestinal obstruction Strangulation

Strangulation intestinal obstruction: causes, symptoms and treatment

Strangulation intestinal obstruction (strangulatione) is a serious medical condition that requires immediate specialist intervention. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of this disease.

Strangulated intestinal obstruction occurs when a loop of intestine becomes compressed or pinched, interfering with normal blood flow and bowel function. This can occur due to various reasons such as hernias, intestinal tumors, intestinal adhesions or intraintestinal hemorrhage.

One of the most common symptoms of strangulation bowel obstruction is severe abdominal pain. The pain may be intermittent and come in waves. Patients may also experience nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Other signs may include constipation, lack of gas emissions, and signs of intestinal obstruction such as bloating and lack of bowel movements.

Diagnosis of strangulation intestinal obstruction includes a clinical examination, patient history, laboratory and instrumental studies. An X-ray of the abdomen may reveal signs of intestinal obstruction. Computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound can help clarify the diagnosis and determine the location of strangulation.

Treatment of intestinal strangulation obstruction usually requires surgical intervention. The goal of surgery is to remove the cause of strangulation and restore normal blood supply to the intestine. In some cases, resection (removal) of the affected part of the intestine and subsequent anatomical reconstruction may be required.

After surgery, patients are prescribed antibiotics to prevent infections and prevent complications. The recovery and rehabilitation period depends on the severity of the case, but usually includes pain control, monitoring of bowel movements and gradual introduction of food.

In conclusion, strangulating intestinal obstruction is a serious condition that requires surgical intervention. If symptoms appear that indicate a possible intestinal obstruction, you should immediately consult a doctor. Early detection and treatment can significantly increase the chances of full recovery and prevent complications from developing.

Intestinal obstruction: concept, types and classification.


The theoretical prerequisites for the occurrence of intestinal obstruction are much younger than its practical use, since the latest indications in favor of the rational treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract date back to the 12th century. In this millennium