Nerve Frontal

Frontal nerve

**Frontal nerve** is one of the main nerves in the human brain. It is located in the occipital and parietal regions of the brain and is responsible for coordinating movements and controlling various body functions. The frontal nerve plays an important role in the human body as it provides nerve communication between the brain and the rest of the body. In this article we will take a closer look at the frontal nerve, its anatomical features, functions and diseases that are associated with its disorders.

Anatomical characteristics

The frontal nerve fascicle consists of four branches called the ophthalmic nerves (CN I-IV), which travel to the eye and the orbital nerves (CN V-VII), diverging towards the forehead and head. Each branch of the frontal nerve has its own unique set of functions.

1. Ophthalmic nerve (CN II): It carries information from the external receptors of the eye to the brain. Responsible for vision, and also regulates blinking and sensitivity of the cornea in the eye. This nerve also sends impulses to the lacrimal and lacrimal glands. 2. Orbital nerve (CN III): controls various functions of the orbit, such as the wakefulness of the eyeball, movements of the facial muscles and swallowing. Also provides information about dimples and sensations of temperature, touch and pain in the skin near the eye socket. 3. Ophthalmic and oculomotor nerve (CN IV): Attaches to the dorsal portion of the cranium and is used to transmit information from the brain to the inner ear, salivary glands, larynx and trachea. 4. Dorsomedial frontal nerve: is the largest branch of the frontal nerve fascicle and is located deep in the muscles of the cheeks, frontal region and upper half of the face. Refers to the upper thoracic nerve and gives signals to the muscles of the mouth, tongue, throat and lower respiratory tract. In addition, this nerve acts as a transmitter of information about the temperature of the skin of the face, the sensitivity of the neck and back of the head. 5. The inferior frontal nerve is the section of the second and third forehead