Nerve Cardiac Cervical Middle

The middle cervical cardiac nerve (lat. Nervus cardiacus cervicalis medialis) is one of two nerves that provide communication between the heart and the brain. It is part of the cardiocervical nerve, which passes through the neck and chest to reach the heart.

The middle cervical cardiac nerve starts from the cervical nerve ganglia, located in the neck, and passes down to the heart. It passes through the chest cavity and enters the pericardial cavity, where it connects with other nerves that control the heart.

The functions of the cardiac cervical medial nerve include control of heart rate, regulation of blood pressure, and participation in the regulation of metabolism. For example, when the heart is stressed or tired, the cardiac medial cervical nerve can increase the heart rate to help the heart work more efficiently.

However, if the cardiac medial nerve is damaged or inflamed, it can lead to a variety of health problems, including arrhythmia, high blood pressure, and even a heart attack. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of this nerve and take measures to protect and restore it.

The middle cervical cardiac nerve (lat. Nervus cardiacus cervicalis medialis) is a nerve that is located in the neck and is responsible for the innervation of the heart. It is one of three nerve bundles that form the cervical plexus.

The cervical plexus is made up of many nerves that connect to the brain and spinal cord. The middle cervical cardiac nerve is part of this plexus and is involved in the regulation of the heart.

The middle cervical cardiac nerve begins in the neck and passes through the chest to the heart. It innervates the heart, ensuring its normal functioning and regulating the heart rate. It is also involved in regulating blood pressure and metabolism in the body.

When the cardiac cervical medial nerve is damaged, various heart problems can occur, such as arrhythmia, heart failure, myocardial infarction and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of this nerve and prevent it from being damaged.