Neural Tube

Neural Tube: The Basis of Nervous System Development

The neural tube, also known as the medullary or medullary tube, is an early form of the nervous system in the embryo of mammals, including humans. This tube forms early in embryonic development, when germ cells begin to differentiate and specialize into different tissue types.

The neural tube is formed from the neural plate, which appears in the early embryonic stage. The neural plate then bends and forms a tube. This tube then differentiates and gives rise to various parts of the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord.

The process of neural tube formation is critical for normal nervous system development. Improper tube formation can lead to various defects, including anencephaly and spinal bifida. Anencephaly is a serious condition in which part of the brain is missing, and spinal bifida is a defect in which part of the spine does not close completely.

The neural tube also plays an important role in the formation of the nervous system later. Neurons that arise from the neural tube communicate with each other, forming a complex network of nerve fibers that transmit information between the brain and body. This network of nerve fibers plays an important role in regulating various body functions, including muscle movement, sensory perception, and mental functions.

Additionally, research suggests that the neural tube may play an important role in various nervous system diseases. For example, research suggests that neural tube defects may be associated with the development of certain types of brain and spinal cord cancers.

In conclusion, the neural tube is the basis for the development of the nervous system in the embryo of mammals, including humans. This tube plays an important role in the formation of the nervous system and the regulation of various body functions. Although the neural tube is critical for normal development of the body, some defects can lead to serious diseases, so further research in this area will be critical to the development of new treatments and prevention of these diseases.

**The neural tube** is one of three embryonic membranes (the other two are amnion and chorion), formed from the primary layer of mesoderm of the embryo of amphibians and reptiles at the two initial stages of development of their embryos. In higher vertebrates, the primary germ layers are called somites. Due to the fact that nerve tissues are laid down in the blastula relatively early, nerve cells in the somites are laid down much later, so the notochord is compared