
Neurapraxia is a temporary disorder of innervation, manifested by tingling, numbness and muscle weakness of any part of the body.

Neurapraxia is usually caused by nerve compression without any structural damage. For example, if you remain in an uncomfortable position for a long time, compression of the nerve may occur, which leads to a temporary disruption of innervation and the appearance of corresponding symptoms.

A distinctive feature of neurapraxia is that it is reversible. After the action of the causative factor that caused compression of the nerve ceases, the function of the nerve and the tissues innervated by it is completely restored.

Thus, neurapraxia is a temporary and reversible disorder of innervation due to compression of the nerve, which does not lead to its structural damage. When the cause is eliminated, sensitivity and motor function are restored in full.

Neuralgia is a painful symptom caused by the development of an inflammatory process or compression of the nerve trunk. It is characterized by prolonged muscle tension that increases with movement and intense pain, which goes away after the root cause of the problem is eliminated. Treatment is based on eliminating the irritating factor and relieving pain.

Symptoms of neuralgia Manifestations of the pathological disease are classified into several types, characteristic of different stages of the pathology. The first stage of the clinical picture is accompanied by: The appearance of pain; Chills and increased temperature at the localization site. At first, the painful sensations may be tolerable, but then become severe,

Neurapraxia must be differentiated from alcoholic polyneuropathy, damage to the cranial nerves, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, idiopathic mononeuritis and spinal insanity. Symptoms of neurapraxia can also occur in various neurological diseases, such as peripheral vascular diseases, radiculopathy, epilepsy and others. Treatment for neurapaxia is complex and may include the use of anticonvulsants, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and surgery.