
Neuro- (neuri-, neuro-, neuro-, neuro-) is a term that is used to refer to various concepts related to the nervous system of a person or animal. It is derived from the Greek word neuron, which means nerve.

Neuro- is used in various fields of medicine, biology, psychology and other sciences that study the functioning of the nervous system. For example, neurology is the science of diseases of the nervous system, neuropathology is the science that studies diseases of the nervous system, and neuropsychology is the science that studies the interaction of the nervous system and the human psyche.

Also, neuro- can be used in the names of medications that affect the nervous system. For example, “neurolgin” is a drug that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

In general, neuro is an important term in the science of the nervous system and is used in different fields of knowledge to refer to various aspects of the nervous system.