New Figure

Nova Figura is a drug for weight loss and cellulite elimination, which is produced in Germany. It belongs to the pharmacological group of anorexia and has contraindications for use in pregnant women, patients with thyroid diseases, and the elderly.

The composition of Nova Figury includes extract of bladderwrack, rhubarb root, licorice root and plum concentrate, soybean oil, palm oil and soy lecithin. The drops contain bladder plant extract and tincture. The main components are considered to be plant extracts, which makes the product completely safe even for people with certain health problems.

The purpose of the drug is to suppress hunger and maintain the metabolic process, since it contains plant extracts with antioxidant properties. It is effective in combating cellulite and is a cosmetic product. The course of treatment is from six to twelve weeks, one tablet once a day, for drops you need to follow the instructions.

However, before consuming Nova Figura, you must consult with an endocrinologist to exclude possible contraindications and use additional medications. It is intended solely for the prevention and regulation of body fat mass, but is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Overall, Nova Figura is an effective herbal remedy for additional weight control and reduction of figure problems. Regular and correct use of the drug can lead to positive results in achieving attractive forms. Therefore, you should remember the individual characteristics of the body,