Nikiforova Method

The Nikiforov method is a method for studying pathological processes in the human body, which was developed by Russian pathologist Mikhail Nikiforov at the beginning of the 20th century.

Nikiforov was one of the first scientists who began to use microscopy to study human tissues and organs. He also developed a method for dyeing fabrics that allowed them to more accurately determine their structure and function.

The Nikiforov method received its name in honor of its creator. This method is still used in various fields of medicine, including oncology, cardiology and others.

Nikiforov’s method is based on the fact that during a pathological process in tissues and organs, a change in their structure and function occurs. This change can be seen by microscopic examination of tissue samples.

In order to determine what changes have occurred in tissues, Nikiforov developed a special staining method that allows a more accurate determination of the structure of tissues and their functions.

One of the advantages of Nikiforov's method is its versatility. It can be used to study various types of tissues and organs, including skin, muscle, liver, kidneys and others.

Nikiforov P.A., his scientific method and significance in the history of medicine **Scientific and practical significance.** The significance of the scientist’s scientific activity lies in his development of a general system of pathological and anatomical studies, principles of tumor formation, in substantiating determinism in the development of tumors, development complex system of histochemical methods for studying organs. Over more than 60 years of clinical activity, the scientist developed a clinical system for the formation of tumors based on new methods refined by him. Scientific works created by scientists are still relevant today. However, to effectively master complex methods, it is best to study them in practice, using models of typical tumors. The author in his works recommended studying the material on fresh organs under a microscope. It is necessary to practice histological methods for studying sick people with malignant tumors, especially in oncological institutions of practical health care. The vast experience accumulated by the author in the field of diagnosing tumors of organs and systems allowed him to subsequently work at the intended coordinates on organs that had undergone the growth of atypical cells, i.e. tumor formations. All the author’s main works have not lost their relevance today. The study of tissues and formations on preparations, the development of complex histochemistry methods contribute to the process of developing a doctor and, in time, are a stage on the path to becoming a professional. Knowledge from practical science lays the foundation for modern clinical thinking. This is the scientific value and practical significance of the author’s works.

Conclusion The methodology of research activities of researcher P. A. Nikiforov is not outdated, and today