
Nyctophonia - talking at night and completely stopping during the day: a type of selective mutism.

Nyctphonia is a rare mental disorder in which a person speaks and behaves normally only at night, and during the day completely refuses speech and social contacts.

This disease is a form of selective mutism, a speech disorder in which a person can speak in certain situations but remains silent in others. With nyctophony, speech is preserved only at night.

It is believed that the cause of nyctphonia may be psychological trauma or neurological disorders. People with this disorder have a fear of daylight and social contact. At night they feel safe and can talk freely.

Diagnosis of nyctophonia is based on observation of a person’s behavior and interviews with relatives. Treatment includes psychotherapy, medication adjustment and gradual adaptation to a daytime routine. Complete cure is possible with early detection and complex therapy.

Nyctophonia - talking at night and completely stopping during the day: a type of selective mutism.

Nyctphonia is a rare mental disorder. People suffering from nyctophonia conduct active conversations and communicate normally only at night. As the day approaches, they completely stop any verbal communication and refuse to talk during the day, using only non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions).

The causes of nyctophony are not fully understood. It is assumed that this disorder may be associated with disturbances in the brain's circadian rhythms, which are responsible for the body's daily biorhythms. It is possible that in people with nyctophonia, these rhythms are disrupted, causing speech activity to shift to nighttime.

Another hypothesis links nyctphony to psychological problems such as social phobia or anxiety disorders. At night, when social pressure is reduced, people with nyctphonia feel calmer and are able to carry on conversations. But during the day the anxiety returns, which leads to a refusal to speak.

Treatment for nyctophonia includes psychotherapy and correction of circadian rhythms. Sometimes medications are prescribed to reduce anxiety. A complete cure for this rare disorder is difficult, but with a comprehensive approach, symptoms can be reduced.

Nyctophonia is a phenomenon during which a person does not perceive night noise, but at the same time shows a significant response to conversation at the same time of day. A person becomes irritable and nervous at night, even if all this time he was calm and balanced during the day. Some even experience insomnia due to this disorder of sound sensitivity.

The main causes of nycphononia are the following: • Poor quality of sleep; • Stress at night and constant anxiety; • Hormonal imbalances in the body, namely an imbalance of the hormones melatonin and cortisol or their malfunctions; • Excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol in the afternoon; Nyctphonia can occur at any age, in both children and adults. But it most often occurs at a young age from 20 to 30 years. According to some studies, such as a survey conducted among night shift workers, it turned out that nycphony is a fairly common problem among programmers, webmasters and other people working on night shifts.