Neem for facial skin

The homeland of the tree from the fruits of which amazing neem oil is produced is India. The tree is called a “cure for all diseases” or “tree pharmacy” and is used in folk medicine. The oil obtained from the fruits of the margosa (neem) tree has an unusual composition that has not yet been fully studied. And those properties of the oil that are already known are considered unique.

Chemical composition of oil

The uniqueness of Neem oil is that it contains more than 140 elements:

  1. fatty acid;
  2. flavonoids;
  3. polysaccharides;
  4. natural antibiotics;
  5. minerals;
  6. vitamins;
  7. tannins.

Fatty acids in margosa oil in percentage:

  1. oleic – 53%;
  2. palmitoleic – 25%;
  3. linoleic – 15%;
  4. stearic – 5%;
  5. arachidonic acid – 1%;
  6. linolenic – 1%.

Vitamin composition - B, C, E.


Mineral composition:

The bitter taste and garlic-onion smell of the oil is due to the presence of terpenes, alkaloids (bitter substances) and sulfur-containing compounds.

Useful properties of oil

Margosa oil is considered more effective than those products obtained from its bark, flowers, and leaves. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as properties that help fight colds and viral diseases:

  1. antipyretic;
  2. analgesic;
  3. anti-inflammatory.

The oil is recognized as a powerful antioxidant that prevents early aging of the skin.


Properties due to which it is valued in cosmetology:

Areas of application of neem oil

In Ayurvedic medicine, for the treatment of:

  1. skin diseases;
  2. inflammatory processes;
  3. fungal diseases;
  4. musculoskeletal system;
  5. upper respiratory tract;
  6. gastrointestinal organs;
  7. diabetes

In cosmetology for:

  1. eliminating age-related skin changes;
  2. treatment of seborrhea;
  3. improvement and restoration of hair;
  4. nail care.


  1. to remove toxins from the body;
  2. as contraception for men and women;
  3. as a laxative;
  4. to combat intestinal parasites;
  5. for blood purification;
  6. for headaches and ear pain;
  7. as an antiemetic;
  8. to improve immunity.

At home:

  1. to combat insects at home, in the garden;
  2. fertilizing for flowers, garden crops;
  3. is a strong repellent (repels insects);
  4. for treating animals and livestock against skin parasites.

For industrial purposes:


Due to its beneficial properties, neem oil is used in soap making.

in the production of medicinal ointments and gels; in the production of cosmetics for skin, hair, and oral care; for methane production; as a lubricant for machines and mechanisms.

Indications for use

Neem oil, the properties and uses of which are described later in the article, is used in the treatment of various diseases:

For the treatment of skin diseases
  1. acne;
  2. boils;
  3. pustular rash;
  4. psoriasis;
  5. eczema;
  6. hives;
  7. ringworm;
  8. leprosy;
  9. chicken pox;
  10. parasitic diseases;
  11. fungal infections; neoplasms (warts, papillomas);
  12. long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers;
  13. severe cuts, insect bites, burns.
  1. anti-wrinkle;
  2. for whitening;
  3. from pigmentation;
  4. for moisturizing;
  5. prevention of skin aging.
Hair related problems
  1. seborrhea (dandruff);
  2. dropping out;
  3. weakened hair;
  4. pediculosis.
Musculoskeletal problems
  1. arthritis;
  2. rheumatism;
  3. pain in joints and muscles;
  4. sprain.
Pathologies of the upper respiratory tract
  1. asthma;
  2. bronchitis.
Gum diseases
  1. gingivitis;
  2. periodontitis.
Hormonal disorders
  1. diabetes.
Inflammatory processes caused by insect bites
  1. fever;
  2. malaria.
Intestinal parasites
  1. worms.
Rectal diseases
  1. haemorrhoids.
Weight problems
  1. overweight, obesity.


Due to its properties, neem oil has a wide range of applications for medicinal and preventive purposes.

But there are a number of cases in which its use is contraindicated:

  1. Pregnancy. Using the oil may cause miscarriage.
  2. Men and women preparing to become parents. Neem oil provokes temporary infertility if used as a contraceptive. After use, the fertile functions of the body are completely restored.


  3. Children under 3-5 years old.
  4. People who are weakened by diseases are in a state of exhaustion.

Long-term use or uncontrolled ingestion of neem oil can cause:

Neem oil is used in its pure form extremely rarely. For external use it should be diluted with water or other oils. For cosmetic purposes it is used as an additive to creams, ointments, and lotions. Oral administration is less common and requires a doctor's recommendation before use.

Neem oil for hair

Neem oil, the properties and application of which will be discussed in the article, is used in the manufacture of medicinal hair masks.

As an additive to shampoo or conditioner, against hair loss. Add a few drops of oil to shampoo. Apply shampoo to hair, massage head, leave foam on head for 3-4 minutes, then rinse.

  1. An effective blend of oils to treat dandruff. Mix neem oil with jojoba oil, 1 part neem oil and 2 parts of another oil. Apply to roots and massage.
  2. To improve growth, mix burdock oil with neem oil. Mix 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil with 1 tsp. neem oil Apply to scalp and massage. Make a hat from a plastic bag and wrap your head with a towel. Leave for an hour.
  3. Treatment of pediculosis (lice). Pure neem oil is used for this purpose. Heat 35-40 g of oil in a water bath and treat the scalp. Wrap your head in a towel or put on a shower cap and leave overnight. In the morning, comb your hair with a straight, fine-tooth comb. If one application was not enough, you should repeat the process 1-2 more times.

Tip: since the oil has a strong specific odor, for cosmetic purposes it is recommended to use it with components that have a pleasant smell, for example, with scented hair care products. Z

Aroma can be masked with essential oils with a pleasant strong aroma:

  1. ylang-ylang;
  2. geranium;
  3. lavender;
  4. jasmine;
  5. rosemary;
  6. juniper.

Mask with neem oil and Dimexide

Dimexide is a clear oily liquid with a pungent garlic odor.

Its beneficial properties:

  1. ability to penetrate skin;
  2. transport other substances and medicines;
  3. enhancing the therapeutic effect of the substances with which it is mixed.


This remedy is an effective component in the treatment of skin diseases and hair problems.

Recipe for restoring and enhancing growth:

  1. lemon juice;
  2. vitamins in oil A, E;
  3. dimexide;
  4. neem oil

It is first necessary to check the skin's sensitivity to the drug. Dilute dimexide with water 1:4 and lubricate your wrist with it.

In the absence of an allergic reaction, the drug can be used. If the solution burns a little, reduce the concentration and use it in the same proportion as part of the masks. The mask requires a few drops of oil. Dimexide is added in proportions 1:4, 1:5, weak solution 1:10.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the hair roots. Make a hat from a bag on your head and wrap it with a towel. Usage time 30 min. A course of masks from 1 to 3 months is guaranteed to improve the condition of the scalp, accelerate hair growth, and qualitatively improve its appearance.

Cognac mask

Mask with neem oil and cognac for weakened hair:

Pass the onion through a grater and squeeze out the juice. Heat honey in a water bath. Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Apply the mixture to the scalp, massage, leave for 30 minutes. Wrapping your head in a bag and a towel will help enhance the healing effect.

Mask based on a mixture of oils

Preventive mask with neem oil:

  1. neem, castor and olive oils – 20 g each;


  2. vitamin A – 5 g;
  3. vitamin E – 5 g.

Standard tablespoons and teaspoons are used as measuring utensils, the volume of which is 17 g and 5 g, respectively.

When using vitamin capsules, you will need 4-5 capsules of each type.

Combine oils and heat in a water bath. Apply with massage movements to the hair roots, leave for 35-45 minutes.

Neem oil for skin

Neem oil, the properties and application of which are discussed in the article, is used to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

Treatment of rashes

The antibacterial and septic properties of the oil make it an ideal component in treating the face for any rashes.

Clay with neem oil: mix 2 tbsp. l. clay with 0.5 tsp. neem oil Apply clay to face and leave until completely dry. Rinse off with warm water.


Mix 2 tbsp. yogurt, 5 drops. geranium oil, 10 drops. neem oil Apply the mask to a clean face, leave for a quarter of an hour, and wash with warm water.

To lighten dark circles around the eyes, you should use only a mixture of yogurt and neem oil, without additives in the form of other oils. You can enhance the whitening effect by preparing a mixture of lemon juice, tea tree oil, neem oil and base oil (avocado or olive).




To do this, mix 1 tbsp. base oil with lemon juice (1 tsp) and add 5-6 drops of each oil. Apply the composition to clean skin, being careful not to get it into the area under the eyes. Wait a quarter of an hour, wash, apply nourishing cream.


Add 5-6 drops of neem oil to your moisturizer and use as a mask.

To make a cream for dry skin of feet, elbows, hands, you will need oils:

  1. cocoa – 20 g;
  2. neem – 10 g;
  3. patchouli and sandalwood – 3-5 drops each.

Melt the cocoa butter in the microwave and add the remaining ingredients. Let it harden. When cooled, the product hardens and can be kept in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Use as a cream, applying to dry surfaces.

In the treatment of eczema and psoriasis

Neem oil in its pure form can irritate diseased skin.

To use, dilute it with base oils:

Check for reaction before use. If irritation occurs, then it is necessary to reduce the concentration of oil in the mixture.

For eczema and psoriasis, treat the affected areas of the skin with a mixture of neem oil. Take baths with neem oil and use soap with neem oil.

For pigment spots

First test the oil on the crook of your elbow to see how it reacts.


Treatment of age spots:

  1. soak a cotton swab in neem oil;
  2. lubricate stains, apply oil only on pigmented areas;
  3. Leave overnight, rinse in the morning, and shower if necessary.

Treatment of fungal diseases

Treatment is effective at the initial stage. If the disease is advanced, the oil is used in combination with medications.

Mix oregano essential oil with neem oil in equal parts. Treat fungal-affected areas three times a day. Use the product until the disease goes away.

Unrefined anti-wrinkle neem oil

The high percentage of fatty acids in neem oil resists wrinkles and signs of aging.

It has been scientifically proven that neem oil increases collagen synthesis and prevents aging of the epidermis.

For anti-aging masks, it is better to use unrefined oil. Its only drawback is the sharp, specific odor, which can be drowned out by using esters with a pleasant strong aroma.

Anti-wrinkle mask based on clay with aloe extract:

  1. cosmetic clay - 50 g;
  2. aloe extract - 1 ampoule;


  3. neem, macadamia and lemon oils - 5 drops each;
  4. still mineral water.

Mix all the ingredients, add enough water so that the mask has the consistency of thick sour cream.


Apply the mixture to clean skin for a quarter of an hour. Store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Anti acne

Masks cope with skin problems of various etiologies:

Masks moisturize the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Being an excellent antiseptic and antifungal agent, neem oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, preventing further rashes.


Mix neem and eucalyptus oils, 1 tsp each, add 3-4 drops. geranium ether. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then remove any residue that is not absorbed by a napkin and wash.

For a youthful face

For rejuvenation, the oil is used in masks, mixtures of oils and creams. Adding aloe vera to a nourishing cream will significantly enhance its effect. For 10 g of base – 5-6 drops. neem oil

Rejuvenation oil blend:

  1. him;
  2. sandalwood;
  3. pink;
  4. grape seed oil.




Mix the ingredients in equal parts and heat before use. Apply with light massage movements to cleansed face, leave for 20-30 minutes to absorb. Remove excess with a paper towel and wash with warm water.

Mixtures of neem oil and oils are also used for rejuvenation:

Where to buy oil at a low price?

The cost of the product may vary depending on:

  1. bottle volume;
  2. country of origin;
  3. content (quality) - unrefined or refined oil;
  4. where to buy - in a pharmacy, online market, specialty store.

The cost of one bottle ranges from 250 rubles. up to 1000 rub. for 100 g. You can purchase the product in the online store.

You should beware of fakes! The packaging indicates the original Latin name of the plant from which the product is obtained - Azadirachta indica.

Reviews from doctors and cosmetologists about the effectiveness of oils

Neem oil, the properties and uses of which are described in the article, guarantees excellent results after use. It is used in anti-acne masks. For the rash it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment - a mask once a week for 2 months. The skin is cleansed and acne scars heal quickly.

An excellent moisturizer. Masks with it restore elasticity and fight various rashes. It is best used as part of creams, masks, mixtures with base oils. In its pure form it can cause allergic reactions. It has a pungent odor that can be masked with other aromatic oils.


Dentists advise using neem oil to treat gums.

A natural remedy for treating sore gums. Use as a rinse - 1 tsp per glass of water. oils Applications – milk thistle oil with a teaspoon of neem oil, lubricate the gums at night. The procedure must be carried out until the symptoms disappear.

Margosa oil restores hair, fights dandruff, eliminates flaking, itching, and heals hair follicles. Powerful antibacterial and antifungal effects on the epidermis will easily relieve hair problems.

Used in combination with shampoos and as part of nourishing products for curls. The oil mask should contain 10% of the total mass. It has contraindications and should not be used by pregnant and lactating women and children under 3 years of age. Before use, you need to check the skin reaction by smearing the inner bend of the elbow with oil.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about Neem oil

About the Indian Neem tree and its oil:

I really like to use oils and masks based on different oils to restore hair and treat skin. Oil-based home remedies are no less effective than expensive advertised products. I first learned about this amazing oil from this article, I’ll definitely have to try it) It turns out that this is a whole pharmacy in one bottle.

INCI: Azadirachta indica leaves powder - neem leaf powder, 100%. Has an organic certificate Ecocert Greenlife in accordance with ECOCERT standards

Country of origin – India

Production — France (Aromazon)

Package — ziplock bags of 100 grams.

Very finely ground powder, green in color. The powder is obtained from hand-picked leaves, which are then air-dried and ground into powder through a micronization process.

Super-fine grinding is very good for preparing the mixture, better adhesion to hair or skin and as a result - you get beautiful hair and glowing healthy skin.

Ayurvedic herbal neem powder (melia persica, azadirachta indica, melia azadirachta, azadirachta) is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs for hair and skin care. It is known as one of the most powerful detoxifiers and blood purifiers, effectively and quickly treating inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. The neutralizing and cleansing properties of neem are very useful for problematic and oily skin. Neem also works great against dandruff and hair loss.

Although neem is primarily used to treat and restore problematic skin, balance combination and oily skin, and treat acne, it is great for all skin types.

Masks with neem treat: allergies, acne, boils, eczema and urticaria, bedsores.

For hair - it removes toxins from the scalp, eliminating many problems. Balances sebum secretion, keeping hair cleaner longer. Relieves dandruff, including oily dandruff, relieves itching of the scalp. Neem is also an excellent remedy for fighting lice (pediculosis).


Neem can be used in its purest form - making a mixture of powder and water (herbal decoction) of the desired consistency, and in mixtures with other herbs, base and essential oils. Such masks can be used for the scalp and hair length, and for the face and body.

— Take the required amount of powder, mix with warm water, hydrosol, herbal decoction or base oil. Apply the paste to the problem area and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

— To prepare a hair mask: 2 tbsp. l. Pour warm water over the powder and make a homogeneous mass. Apply the mixture to the scalp and hair along the entire length, leave for the required time, rinse hair thoroughly with water.

- recipe neem water infusion For direct spray on hair or use as a skin toner:

90 ml water + 10 grams neem = 100 ml infusion
- pour the powder into water
- shake and mix properly
- leave for 24 hours, without opening, in a dark place, stirring occasionally (shake the bottle)
- filter (you can use a coffee filter or a clean cloth) to get a clean infusion
- pour the filtered infusion into a clean, disinfected spray bottle. Store in the refrigerator and not for long.

1. Dandruff

Dandruff gives us a lot of worries - it is unpleasant, unsightly, the head itches, hair falls out, and widely advertised industrial shampoos do not bring results. Neem quickly and effectively gets rid of dandruff - both dry and oily. Literally after 3-4 applications you will see the result. Make a mask, apply to the scalp, hair roots and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

In this case, neem can be mixed with brahmi, colorless henna, and nagarmotha. You can add hydrolates to masks to help fight dandruff: rosemary, lavender, tea tree, hyssop.

2. Lice (pediculosis)

Neem is a unique remedy against parasites and pests; it establishes chemical protection against them, successfully neutralizing more than 200 types of pests, fungi, bacteria and some viruses. Unfortunately, outbreaks of head lice are occurring more and more often, especially in kindergartens and schools. It will help him cope with this misfortune. Prepare a paste of neem powder and water. You can also add cassia to make the mask thicker and at the same time softer, which is especially important for children. Apply it to your hair and rinse after drying. This mask can be used every other day or 2-3 times a week. Neem masks also kill nits.

Neem masks are also good for preventing head lice.

Taking neem orally (consult a specialist about dosages) helps get rid of worms and other “internal” parasites.

3. Hair loss

Hair loss is a big problem for both men and women, and there can be many reasons for it. But neem powder can help a lot in solving it. For this purpose we also prepare a paste of neem powder and water. You can add other Ayurvedic herbs and hydrolates to the mask. Apply the mask to the scalp and hair roots twice a week for 20-30 minutes.

4. Ringworm and ringworm caused by fungal infections

Ringworm, alas, is not a rare occurrence. This is a fungal skin infection that appears as ring-shaped, red, scaly patches. Neem powder has strong antifungal properties and has been proven effective in treating ringworm. For treatment, mix neem powder with water. You can add a few drops of olive oil if your skin is dry. Apply this paste on the affected areas and rinse after 10-15 minutes with warm water. The procedure must be repeated daily for several days to get noticeable results.

5. Psoriasis and eczema

Psoriasis and eczema are chronic skin diseases. It has been proven that neem powder, diluted with water, in the form of compresses on the affected areas, effectively helps in relieving symptoms and treating diseases. Neem will relieve itching, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and remove inflammation and irritation of the skin. Antiseptic properties will help prevent secondary development of disease foci. However, it is recommended to repeat the compresses even after the symptoms have subsided. Melia powder is by far the safest and one of the most effective natural remedies for treating eczema and psoriasis. You can use it to help babies and children suffering from eczema.

6. Foot fungus

Athlete's foot is a common skin disease of the foot. It is contagious and dangerous. To treat foot fungus, you can use a paste made from neem powder. The antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties of neem will help get rid of this unpleasant disease.

7. Blackheads, acne, pimples

Melia powder is an exceptional remedy for acne. This is a very powerful antibacterial agent that will remove existing acne in just two or three applications.

- oily skin. Neem perfectly regulates sebum production in oily skin. The effect of neem lasts for 5 hours after its use! The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of neem will cure existing pimples and prevent new ones from appearing. Enlarged pores tighten and the skin stops shining.

- dry skin. Neem, as we know, perfectly balances sebum production. That is why masks with neem will help dry skin get rid of excessive dryness and tightness and prevent premature aging. Neem restores the normal pH level of the skin, making it smooth and moisturized. You can add a base oil that suits you to masks for dry skin.

- teenage acne is very difficult to treat. However, it will help them here too! Neem will regulate the secretion of sebum and put the skin in order, remove red inflammation and subcutaneous pimples, and relieve their pain.

- post-acne spots. Often, after the inflammation has passed, red or dark marks remain on the skin for a long time. Neem effectively “erases” traces of acne and inflammation.

Recipes for masks with melia powder:

Neem and almond oil - for the face, for dry skin. This mask is used to treat acne specifically on dry skin. It is not recommended to do it on oily skin.

– Add a few drops of almond oil to the neem powder and stir until smooth.
— Gently apply to problem areas of the skin.
— Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with water.

Neem here kills bacteria and treats acne. Almond oil increases the activity of neem, and also softens and heals the skin, protecting it from acne marks.

Neem and oats — a wonderful exfoliating mask suitable for all skin types except sensitive.

- Boil the oats and mash them until a homogeneous mass is formed.
- Mix oats with neem and water (hydrolate / herbal decoction) until smooth.
- Apply to face and neck and leave to dry for 20 minutes.
- Then wet the mask a little and gently massage your face with the wet mass for several minutes - this will have a scrubbing effect.
- Rinse with water.

Oats deeply exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, remove oil and dirt. It also protects against the development of infection and protects the skin from spreading across the face after peeling.

Nim and montmorillonite clay - for the treatment of acne.

- mix neem powder and green clay with mineral/drinking water, hydrosol or herbal decoction until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face. Don't forget to moisturize the mask as it dries. Use 2-3 times a week for best results.

Neem and cucumber pulp — the mask treats acne, slightly whitens the skin, evens out its tone, refreshes and moisturizes.

- Mix neem powder with cucumber pulp, add a little water if necessary to obtain a homogeneous mass, convenient for applying to the face, keep for about 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

Neem and lavender hydrolate — the mask tightens pores, treats pimples, removes post-acne spots, normalizes sebum secretions.

- Mix neem powder with hydrosol to obtain a paste, apply to face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

You can also take baths with neem - it helps with irritated, itchy skin, skin infections and diseases, and bedsores.

- Dilute 25-50 grams of powder in a small amount of water and add a little oil to the pulp - black cumin, olives, sea buckthorn - whichever suits your indications best. Dissolve the resulting mass in a warm bath and take it for 15-20 minutes.

Neem is a very active powder. For sensitive skin, it is better to mix it with other Ayurvedic powders. If you feel a tingling sensation or your skin becomes hot, it is better to wash off the mixture and rinse your skin with clean, cool water.
It is recommended to do an elbow test for 24 hours.

Contraindications: Not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.

Before use internally NECESSARILY consult an Ayurvedic specialist!


Neem is called "Sarva Roga Nimarini" - a cure for all diseases. This, as usual, is a bit of an exaggeration, but for problematic skin prone to constant inflammation or, more simply, acne, neem can become a real Sarva Roga Nimarini, no matter what anyone jokes about the extremely specific aroma of its oil.

Both neem oil itself and neem powder are used for cosmetic purposes. The latter, without any doubt, is much more convenient due to the almost complete absence of odor.


Oil smells differently for everyone, but almost everyone agrees that it smells somewhat stinky. It could be the smell of pea soup with rotted onions, the smell of slightly rotten garlic, the smell of a poorly ventilated vegetable warehouse, or even the aroma of long-unwashed socks. Here, as everywhere else, there are so many noses, so many opinions.

But for its amazing healing properties, neem oil is forgiven for its extremely specific aroma. Plus, it’s a lot of fun: smell the oil and decide what it smells like to you. On the Internet, real discussions are flaring up on this topic, and perhaps entire communities and even forums will soon appear.

Another use of neem is internal. Here, too, the leader is powder in capsules, but some manage to eat oil as well. They say it is quite edible with rye bread. The main thing is not to forget to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth properly.


Neem taken internally helps to quickly cope with colds and inflammations, again heals the skin, without giving acne a chance to even hint at its possible imminent appearance. It also helps with digestive problems, including putrefactive processes and other extremely unpleasant phenomena in the intestines.

For problem skin, neem oil is used spot-on, applied to acne, added to all kinds of masks, usually clay ones, and homemade creams are made with it. In the latter case, it is better to classify this oil as an asset rather than a fatty phase. However, there are recipes where neem also acts as part of the fatty phase. Another way to use neem oil for acne is to make homemade soap with it, using it as an oil additive.

You can muffle the rare neem aroma with ethers. Bergamot and tea tree essential oils are often recommended here. They seem to ennoble it, not killing the smell, but making it extremely perversely refined. Sometimes it is believed that this vigorous spirit is best combined with ylang-ylang esters, although this is difficult to even imagine.


Neem powder or powder is used in the same way as oil. It can also be applied to the face and body in its pure form, as a therapeutic night powder. Use a clean brush or puff to powder over your regular nighttime product. In the morning, you definitely won’t be waiting for another pimple that has popped up out of nowhere; the existing pimples will have dried out significantly.

The powder diluted with water or a decoction of herbs will become an excellent anti-inflammatory mask for the skin. You can add the powder to other masks as one of the ingredients. Fanatics often mix neem powder with neem oil, which may or may not be too much.