
Nimica is a brand name of an anti-arthritis drug manufactured by Ipca Laboratories Ltd. in India. The active ingredient of Nimiki is nimesulide dihydrate, which belongs to the group of analgesics, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents. The international name of Nimicomide is Nimesulide; other brands that produce analogues include Nemugind, Naroldin and Apralgin.

*** Indications *** *** Nimicols ***

In most cases, Nimika should be used after receiving a doctor’s recommendation and as prescribed as part of the main treatment.

Nimica is a drug from the NSAID group intended for the treatment of inflammatory and pain symptoms of musculoskeletal diseases.

Analogue - Nimesulide

Country of origin - India Pharm group - Anti-inflammatory drug

Dosage form and excipients

Tablet release form Capsule dosage Country of origin

The drug is available in the form of tablets or capsules, packaged one tablet at a time or the whole package in a cardboard box. Inside each package there is an insert that indicates the dosage of the drug, expiration date and the manufacturer of the drug. Composition of the drug

Nimiki contains Nimesulide, a hydrochloride compound of the active substance Nimesudi (25 mg) in one milliliter of gel.