Nyropa Upright

Niropia the Upright was the legendary ruler of the ancient state of Niropia. Very little information about him has survived to this day, most of which is semi-mythical in nature.

According to legend, Niropa was distinguished by extraordinary wisdom and justice. He established strong laws and orders in Niropia, thanks to which his state prospered and lived in peace with its neighbors. Niropa personally settled disputes between his subjects and made wise decisions that suited both sides.

Nyropa the Upright Ruler was famous as a great warrior and commander. When Niropia was attacked by enemies, he himself led the army and won brilliant victories. At the same time, Niropa always sought to resolve conflicts peacefully and avoided unnecessary bloodshed.

The legendary ruler was revered by his people as a fair and far-sighted ruler. The wise laws and orders established by Niropa the Upright survived him and determined the life of the state for a long time after his death. The image of Niropia was preserved for a long time in the historical memory of the people of Niropia as a standard of justice and prudence.