Nitroglycerin With Glucose

Nitroglycerin with glucose is a combination of two medications that are used to treat various heart diseases. Nitrospray is a combined antianginal drug that contains Nitrospenia salts, and glucose increases the effectiveness of Nitropsiir.

Today I invite you to understand this medicine in more detail.

Nitrosipray is a powerful, fast-acting cardiac drug. It helps cope with angina attacks. Hemoglobin, entering the blood, improves blood flow to the heart muscle, which reduces the heart's need for oxygen; lowers blood pressure. However, before using the drug, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since in some cases it may not produce results or cause harm to the body. It is important to understand that you should only take this drug if you have acute symptoms. Self-medication with nitroglycerin with glucose is dangerous - self-medication without proper medical experience