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Noguchi medium is a medium developed by Japanese microbiologist Noguchi in 1913. It is named after him and is used to cultivate bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms.

Noguchi was a famous Japanese scientist who worked in the fields of microbiology and bacteriology. He was one of the first researchers to study bacteria and their role in nature. In 1902, Noguchi discovered a bacterium that was later named after him - Bacillus noguchi.

One of Noguchi's main achievements was the creation of a new medium for cultivating microorganisms. He developed a medium that made it possible to grow bacteria in large numbers and keep them viable for a long time. This medium became very popular among scientists around the world and is still used in scientific research today.

Today, Noguchi media remains an important tool for the study of microorganisms and their role in nature and medicine. It allows scientists to conduct various experiments and research, as well as create new medicines and vaccines.

Noguchi Edward was one of the most famous Japanese microbiologists of his time. He was born in America, but his family moved to Japan as a child. Noguchi was educated in Japan and the USA, and became a researcher in the field of bacteriology.

He developed many methods for studying microbes, including using bacteria to produce food. He also developed a process that allows bacteria to multiply quickly and use them to create medicines.

Noguchi was a proponent of using microorganisms to fight disease and improve people's quality of life. He believed that bacteria could be used to produce new products and create new drugs.