Noise Uterine

Uterine murmur, or m. Uterini is a medical term that refers to the sound produced by the uterus as it moves within the abdominal cavity. The volume and frequency of noise can be of varying intensity and may change under different conditions. For example, during painful sexual intercourse or active movement, the sound may be louder and harsher.

Uterine murmur has various causes, which can lead to discomfort and pain in women. The most common reasons are:

- Contraction of the uterine muscles during painful menstruation. - Infectious diseases such as endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) or uterine fibroids (benign tumors in the muscle layer of the uterus). In such cases, the noise may be accompanied by increased body temperature, abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms.

If you experience a uterine murmur, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of serious illness.