Pack stretcher

Pack stretchers are special medical equipment that is used to transport wounded or sick people over long distances. They are special belts that are attached to the back of a horse or other animal. Stretchers are used to transport patients in off-road conditions, in the mountains, in the forest or in other difficult areas.

Pack stretchers have several advantages over other types of stretchers. First, they are lighter and easier to carry than regular stretchers. Secondly, they can be used at any time of the year and in any weather conditions. Thirdly, they allow you to quickly and efficiently transport patients over long distances, which is especially important in emergency situations.

However, pack stretchers also have their disadvantages. They can be uncomfortable for patients, especially if they cannot lie on their back. In addition, the use of a pack stretcher can be dangerous if the animal it is attached to falls or trips.

In general, pack stretchers are an important tool for the medical evacuation of wounded or sick people over long distances in difficult conditions. They allow patients to be transported quickly and safely, providing them with the care and treatment they need.